On 26/06/2021 00:12, William Unruh wrote:
Not at all sure what you are suggesting. DNS is a way of translating
names to IP addresses, which your machine MUST use to talk to a remote

As already noted, there is no MUST about it. I'd put it as low as MAY, and it is definitely no more than SHOULD.

machine not on your network. The remote machine has nothing to do with

DNS can be used for local network machines, as well, and this is very common.

this. Now some remote machines will as for the name associated with the
IP address of machines sending the remote machine a query, to try to see
if someone is spoofing the IP address, but as far as I know ntpd does
not do that. Takes too much time and would make the time responses
really bad.

ntpd doesn't care about who is sending it a query, and, in any case reverse DNS lookups often provide bad results, which won't match the preferred forward lookup, in the real world.

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