
On 01/02/2010 05:36 PM, Laurent Gautier wrote:

[Disclaimer: what is below reflects my understanding from reading the R
source, others will correct where deemed necessary]

On 1/2/10 12:00 PM, wrote:


We are currently making lots of changes to Rcpp (see the open Rcpp
mailing list if interested [1] in the details).

We are now using [2] R_PreserveObject and R_ReleaseObject to manage
garbage collection instead of the PROTECT/UNPROTECT dance. This seems to
work well, but I was wondering if there was documentation about it.

The most precise technical documentation is in memory.c
PROTECT is an alias for Rf_protect, itself an alias for
SEXP protect(SEXP s);
and uses a stack (R_PPStack) to store protected objects.

In particular, if we preserve the same SEXP twice (or more), should we
implement some sort of reference counting ?

This depends on the requirements for your system.

We wrap up SEXP into a C++ class that in particular manages itself preserving and releasing the object to garbage collection.

For example, in rpy2 I added a reference counting layer(*) because I
wanted to allow several Python objects to share the same underlying R
object, but that's not currently(*) counting how many times an object
should be freed.
(*: imperfect, but currently doing a very decent job - details upon

That kind of feature could be provided by R's C-level API, since this
could be seen of general use as well as give an opportunity to improve
the performances of the R_PreservedObject/R_ReleaseObject duo whenever a
lot of objects are protected and/or external code is
protecting/releasing objects through a FIFO proxy.

Reading the source (below, from memory.c) I think not, but some
confirmation would help.

I understand the code in memory.c like an object preserved twice needs
to be freed twice: R_PreciousList is just a (linked) list, and
"R_PreserveObject(object)" adds the object to the beginning of the list
while "R_ReleaseObject(object)" removes the first "object" found from
the list.

That's what I understand of it too. It fits nicely into C++ assignment operator and copy constructor.

void R_PreserveObject(SEXP object)
R_PreciousList = CONS(object, R_PreciousList);

static SEXP RecursiveRelease(SEXP object, SEXP list)
if (!isNull(list)) {
if (object == CAR(list))
return CDR(list);
CDR(list) = RecursiveRelease(object, CDR(list));
return list;

void R_ReleaseObject(SEXP object)
R_PreciousList = RecursiveRelease(object, R_PreciousList);

I'd also be interested if there is some ideas on the relative efficiency
of the preserve/release mechanism compared to PROTECT/UNPROTECT.

PROTECT/UNPROTECT is trading granularity for speed. It is a stack with
only tow operations possible:
- push 1 object into the stack
- pull (unprotect) N last objects from the stack






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