
I would use external pointers for something like this.

If c++ is an option, you can take advantage of Rcpp classes to deal with external pointers. Put the following in a .cpp and sourceCpp() it.

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;

class Array {
    Array( ) : size(10), used(0){
        array = new float[10] ;

        delete[] array ;

    size_t get_used(){ return used ; }
    // other methods doing stuff with the data

    float *array;
    size_t used;
    size_t size;
} ;
typedef XPtr<Array> ArrayPointer ;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
ArrayPointer create_ptr( ){
    return ArrayPointer( new Array ) ;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
size_t Array_get_used(ArrayPointer obj){
    // here we use ArrayPointer just like an Array*
    return obj->get_used() ;

Now, this is very raw and at the R level you get opaque external pointers:

> a <- create_ptr()

> str(a)

> Array_get_used(a)
[1] 0

You can go further than this and use Rcpp modules so that you don't need to worry about external pointers, which you can consider as implementation details. For example:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;

class Array {
    Array( ) : size(10), used(0){
        array = new float[10] ;

        delete[] array ;

    size_t get_used(){ return used ; }
    // other methods doing stuff with the data

    float *array;
    size_t used;
    size_t size;
} ;

// the module code, this is where you declare what of
// your class you expose to the R level
        .method( "get_used", &Array::get_used)

With this, the R code looks like this:

# we should get rid of the need to call populate.
# for now let us just assume it is a way to copy
# the content of the module
# into the global environment
> populate(ArrayModule, globalenv())

> b <- new(Array)

> str(b)
Reference class 'Rcpp_Array' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 0 fields
 and 15 methods, of which 3 are possibly relevant:
   finalize, get_used, initialize

> b$get_used()
[1] 0


Le 19/06/13 16:14, Tee-Jay-Ardie a écrit :
Hi there,

Although I'm a quite experienced R user and know my ways in C, I stumbled
upon a problem I don't know how to solve. Therefore, I hope someone can
provide me with the information or pointers I need in order to understand
the way in which the communication between R and C occurs. I have the
following C code which basicallly reflects what I want:

typedef struct
        float *array;
        size_t used;
        size_t size;
} Array;

void main2R()
       Array a;
       examplefunction(&a);   /*fills and dynamically grows a->array*/

Now I would want to return a.array or a->array to R. According to the R
manuals, the compiled C code should not return anything except through its
arguments. The problem here is, I have a dynamically growing array, and I
have no idea what to pass on to C from R in order to let that work.
The word 'should' indicates that the compiled code may return something in
special circumstances, but I have no idea how to get a.array in R.

So my question is simply this: How on earth do I get the information in the
float array 'a.array' in R? Is it even possible or should I rewrite my C
code using Call in R?

Another, not preferred, options is to pre-allocate the array/vector in R on
a fixed (large-enough) size? Or do I miss something here?


Romain Francois
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