
extern "C" just means that the function(s) below it have C calling conventions, so that .Call, .External, ... can find them. Without this, your function names would be c++ mangled to disambiguate different overloads.

What is inside can use namespace without any issue. You'd have something like:

extern "C" SEXP dot_call_function(){
    rgl::Whatever object(1, 2 ) ;
    object.do_something() ;
    return R_NilValue ;

IIRC, if you register your functions (see WRE #5.4), you don't need those extern "C" because you directly give the function pointer so you don't have to search for it with its name.


Le 02/10/13 19:45, Duncan Murdoch a écrit :
Thanks Dirk, Martyn and Romain.  I'm planning to do a temporary
workaround release with the Shape class renamed to rglShape, but over
the longer term I'll put everything that's supposed to be local inside
an rgl namespace.  First I need to learn how namespaces interact with
extern "C" declarations; pointers to any readable tutorials would be

Duncan Murdoch

On 02/10/2013 11:52 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 2 October 2013 at 15:45, Martyn Plummer wrote:
| In C++, everything goes in the global namespace unless the programmer
| explicitly creates one. So when you dynamically load two dynamic shared
| libraries with a "Shape" object they clash.
| The solution here is to put
| namespace rgl {
| ...
| }
| around your class definitions in the rglm package, and
| using rgl::Shape

| at the top of any source file that refers to rgl Shape. Likewise, the
| igraph package should declare shape in the "igraph" namespace.

And as I wrote to Duncan off-list, igraph doesn't, even though it
uses an igraph namespace:

    /** Shape.h
    #ifndef SHAPE_H
    #define SHAPE_H
    #include <string>
    #include "Color.h"
    #include "Ray.h"
    #include "Point.h"
    class Shape

So the clash is due to two packages simulatenously failing to make use of

And at that point the linker appears to pick in search (link ?) order.


Romain Francois
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