Le 16/11/2013 14:30, Romain Francois a écrit :

Are there any recipe to handle serialization / deserialization of
external pointers.

I'm thinking about something similar in spirit to the way we handle
finalization of external pointers.

Currently, if we create an external pointer, save the session, quit R,
then load the session, we get a null pointer.

One way I'm thinking of is to have an environment in the "protected"
part of the xp, then have an active binding there, since apparently
active bindings:
  - are "get" during serialization
  - lose their active ness when reloaded:

This will not work. Apparently the active feature is kept on other environments:

$ R
> f <- local( {
+     x <- 1
+     function(v) {
+        if (missing(v))
+            cat("get\n")
+        else {
+            cat("set\n")
+            x <<- v
+        }
+        x
+     }
+ })
> makeActiveBinding("fred", f, .GlobalEnv)
> bindingIsActive("fred", .GlobalEnv)
[1] TRUE
> e <- new.env()
> makeActiveBinding("fred", f, e)
> bindingIsActive("fred", e)
[1] TRUE
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: y


$ R
> e
<environment: 0x104c56f78>
> bindingIsActive("fred", .GlobalEnv)
> bindingIsActive("fred", e)
[1] TRUE

Is this the expected behavior ?

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30

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