tl;dr: we need better C++ tools and documentation. 

We collectively know more now with the rise of tools like rchk and improved 
documentation such as Tomas’s post. That’s a start, but it appears that there 
still is a lot of knowledge that would deserve to be promoted to actual 
documentation of best practices. 

I think it is important to not equate C++ as a language, and Rcpp. 

Also, C++ is not just RAII. 

RAII is an important part of how Rcpp was conceived for sure, but it’s not the 
only thing C++ can bring as a language. Templates, lambdas, the stl are 
examples of things that can be used for expressiveness when just accessing data 
without interfering with R, calling R api functions ... 

It would be nice that the usual « you should do that only if you know what 
you’re doing » be transformed to precise documentation, and maybe become part 
of some better tool. If precautions have to be taken before calling such and 
such functions: that’s ok. What are they ? Can we embed that in some tool.

 It is easy enough to enscope code that uses potentially jumpy code into a c++ 
lambda. This could be together with recommendations such as the body of the 
lambda shall only use POC data structures. 

This is similar to precautions you’d take when writing concurrent code. 


> Le 30 mars 2019 à 00:58, Simon Urbanek <> a écrit :
> Kevin,
>> On Mar 29, 2019, at 17:01, Kevin Ushey <> wrote:
>> I think it's also worth saying that some of these issues affect C code
>> as well; e.g. this is not safe:
>>   FILE* f = fopen(...);
>>   Rf_eval(...);
>>   fclose(f);
> I fully agree, but developers using C are well aware of the necessity of 
> handling lifespan of objects explicitly, so at least there are no surprises.
>> whereas the C++ equivalent would likely handle closing of the file in the 
>> destructor. In other words, I think many users just may not be cognizant of 
>> the fact that most R APIs can longjmp, and what that implies for cleanup of 
>> allocated resources. R_alloc() may help solve the issue specifically for 
>> memory allocations, but for any library interface that has a 'open' and 
>> 'close' step, the same sort of issue will arise.
> Well, I hope that anyone writing native code in package is well aware of that 
> and will use an external pointer with finalizer to clean up native objects in 
> any 3rd party library that are created during the call.
>> What I believe we should do, and what Rcpp has made steps towards, is make 
>> it possible to interact with some subset of the R API safely from C++ 
>> contexts. This has always been possible with e.g. R_ToplevelExec() and 
>> R_ExecWithCleanup(), and now things are even better with R_UnwindProtect(). 
>> In theory, as a prototype, an R package could provide a 'safe' C++ interface 
>> to the R API using R_UnwindProtect() and friends as appropriate, and client 
>> packages could import and link to that package to gain access to the 
>> interface. Code generators (as Rcpp Attributes does) can handle some of the 
>> pain in these interfaces, so that users are mostly insulated from the nitty 
>> gritty details.
> I agree that we should strive to provide tools that make it safer, but note 
> that it still requires participation of the users - they have to use such 
> facilities or else they hit the same problem. So we can only fix this for the 
> future, but let's start now.
>> I agree that the content of Tomas's post is very helpful, especially since I 
>> expect many R programmers who dip their toes into the C++ world are not 
>> aware of the caveats of talking to R from C++. However, I don't think it's 
>> helpful to recommend "don't use C++"; rather, I believe the question should 
>> be, "what can we do to make it possible to easily and safely interact with R 
>> from C++?". Because, as I understand it, all of the problems raised are 
>> solvable: either through a well-defined C++ interface, or through better 
>> education.
> I think the recommendation would be different if such tools existed, but they 
> don't. It was based on the current reality which is not so rosy.  Apparently 
> the post had its effect of mobilizing C++ proponents to do something about 
> it, which is great, because if this leads to some solution, the 
> recommendation in the future may change to "use C++ using tools XYZ".
>> I'll add my own opinion: writing correct C code is an incredibly difficult 
>> task. C++, while obviously not perfect, makes things substantially easier 
>> with tools like RAII, the STL, smart pointers, and so on. And I strongly 
>> believe that C++ (with Rcpp) is still a better choice than C for new users 
>> who want to interface with R from compiled code.
> My take is that Rcpp makes the interface *look* easier, but you still have to 
> understand more about the R API that you think. Hence it much easier to write 
> buggy code. Personally, that's why I don't like it (apart from the code 
> bloat), because things are hidden that will get you into trouble, whereas 
> using the C API is at least very clear - you have to understand what it's 
> doing when you use it. That said, I'm obviously biased since I know a lot 
> about R internals ;) so this doesn't necessarily generalize.
>> tl;dr: I (and I think most others) just wish the summary had a more positive 
>> outlook for the future of C++ with R.
> Well, unless someone actually takes the initiative there is no reason to 
> believe in a bright future of C++. As we have seen with the lack of adoption 
> of CXXR (which I thought was an incredible achievement), not enough people 
> seem to really care about C++. If that is not true, then let's come out of 
> hiding, get together and address it (it seems that this thread is a good 
> start).
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> Best,
>> Kevin
>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 10:16 AM Simon Urbanek
>> <> wrote:
>>> Jim,
>>> I think the main point of Tomas' post was to alert R users to the fact that 
>>> there are very serious issues that you have to understand when interfacing 
>>> R from C++. Using C++ code from R is fine, in many cases you only want to 
>>> access R data, use some library or compute in C++ and return results. Such 
>>> use-cases are completely fine in C++ as they don't need to trigger the 
>>> issues mentioned and it should be made clear that it was not what Tomas' 
>>> blog was about.
>>> I agree with Tomas that it is safer to give an advice to not use C++ to 
>>> call R API since C++ may give a false impression that you don't need to 
>>> know what you're doing. Note that it is possible to avoid longjmps by using 
>>> R_ExecWithCleanup() which can catch any longjmps from the called function. 
>>> So if you know what you're doing you can make things work. I think the 
>>> issue here is not necessarily lack of tools, it is lack of knowledge - 
>>> which is why I think Tomas' post is so important.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
>>>> On Mar 29, 2019, at 11:19 AM, Jim Hester <> wrote:
>>>> First, thank you to Tomas for writing his recent post[0] on the R
>>>> developer blog. It raised important issues in interfacing R's C API
>>>> and C++ code.
>>>> However I do _not_ think the conclusion reached in the post is helpful
>>>>> don’t use C++ to interface with R
>>>> There are now more than 1,600 packages on CRAN using C++, the time is
>>>> long past when that type of warning is going to be useful to the R
>>>> community.
>>>> These same issues will also occur with any newer language (such as
>>>> Rust or Julia[1]) which uses RAII to manage resources and tries to
>>>> interface with R. It doesn't seem a productive way forward for R to
>>>> say it can't interface with these languages without first doing
>>>> expensive copies into an intermediate heap.
>>>> The advice to avoid C++ is also antithetical to John Chambers vision
>>>> of first S and R as a interface language (from Extending R [2])
>>>>> The *interface* principle has always been central to R and to S
>>>> before. An interface to subroutines was _the_ way to extend the first
>>>> version of S. Subroutine interfaces have continued to be central to R.
>>>> The book also has extensive sections on both C++ (via Rcpp) and Julia,
>>>> so clearly John thinks these are legitimate ways to extend R.
>>>> So if 'don't use C++' is not realistic and the current R API does not
>>>> allow safe use of C++ exceptions what are the alternatives?
>>>> One thing we could do is look how this is handled in other languages
>>>> written in C which also use longjmp for errors.
>>>> Lua is one example, they provide an alternative interface;
>>>> lua_pcall[3] and lua_cpcall[4] which wrap a normal lua call and return
>>>> an error code rather long jumping. These interfaces can then be safely
>>>> wrapped by RAII - exception based languages.
>>>> This alternative error code interface is not just useful for C++, but
>>>> also for resource cleanup in C, it is currently non-trivial to handle
>>>> cleanup in all the possible cases a longjmp can occur (interrupts,
>>>> warnings, custom conditions, timeouts any allocation etc.) even with R
>>>> finalizers.
>>>> It is past time for R to consider a non-jumpy C interface, so it can
>>>> continue to be used as an effective interface to programming routines
>>>> in the years to come.
>>>> [0]: 
>>>> [1]:
>>>> [2]:
>>>> [3]:
>>>> [4]:
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