On 03/10/2007 5:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to use the plot(model) function to generate Tukey-anscomb and Q-Q 
> plots of a lm(). I manage to change all labels but the main one which 
> apparently is neither main or sub. So far I have tried as par setting: cex 
> (changes symbol size within the plot), cex.main (no effect), cex.sub (no 
> effect) cex.lab (changes label size), cex.axis (changes axis label size). 
> What I would like to change is the label that says: "Residuals vs. Fitted" 
> and "Q-Q normal". So what other cex commands are there? THX for any help.

When in doubt, look at the source.  plot.lm fixes the size of those 
titles (which come from the caption argument).

So a simple workaround is something like

plot(model, caption="")
title(main="mytitle", cex.main=mysize)

You will probably need something more complicated in the plot command to 
select the plots you want one at a time.

Duncan Murdoch
> Bernhard Müller
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