You are calling par() *before* opening  and (in on.exit) *after* closing 
the pdf() device.  par() applies on a per-device basis, and if no device 
is open the default device will be opened.

As for why you get the warnings about 'gamma' and 'new', see ?par and read 
their entries.  Since you don't change any pars, I do not see why you are 
attempting to reset them.

On Thu, 27 Dec 2007, AA wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have the following function
> tstpar <-
>  function(n = 200, want.pdf = FALSE, pdfFileName = NULL){
>    oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
>    on.exit(par(oldpar))
>    steps  <- seq(from = 1, to = 8, by = 1)
>    h <- 10; w <- 6
>    if(want.pdf){pdf(file = pdfFileName, onefile = TRUE,
>    paper = "letter", width = w, height = h)}
>    par(mfrow = c(4,2))
>    for(i in steps){
>      txt <- paste("i = ", i)
>      hist(rnorm(n), main = txt)
>    }
>    if(want.pdf){}
>  }
> when called with default values tstpar() every thing works fine.
> However I get 2 sorts of warnings
> 1- if I call the function to generate a pdf as
>   tstpar(want.pdf = TRUE, pdfFilename = "jj.pdf")
>   I get the following warning msg:
>   calling par(new=) with no plot in: par(oldpar)
>   with an empty device which I don not understand since I close
>   the device in the function.
> 2- If I comment the line
>   if (want.pdf){}
>   I get the following warning
>   'gamma' cannot be modified on this device in: par(args)
>   with 2 empty devices.
> I do not understand why I get those warnings and why I get those empty 
> devices.
> I looked up in RSiteSearch and I found the 2 following posts
> In this post M. Schwarz explains that there is not a plot created that's why 
> R generates the
> warning. In the case of tstpar, I generate the hist plots and should not be 
> getting the warning.
> And in the following post Prof Ripley refers to an old R warning for pdf() 
> devices
> Which is not the case here.
> I do not see what I am missing. Thanks for any hint.
> I use R 2.5.1 under Win XP.
> I apologize if the question is related to my older R version which I will 
> upgrade.
> AA.
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