
This is not the appropriate mailing list. Use R-devel for questions about C, etc ...

One thing that might help you is the inline package.

require( inline )
fx <- cfunction( signature( s = "numeric" ), '

  SEXP result;
  PROTECT(result = NEW_NUMERIC(1));
  double* ptr=NUMERIC_POINTER(result);
  double t = *REAL(s);
  double u = t-floor(t)-0.5;
  if(u>0) *ptr=-1+4*u; else *ptr=-1-4*u;
  Rprintf("The value is %f", *ptr);
  return result;
', verbose = TRUE )
fx( 10 )

The verbose = TRUE argument will show you how inline runs the show.


Le 18/06/10 16:18, michael meyer a écrit :


I am trying to call simple C-code from R.
I am on Windows XP with RTools installed.

The C-function is


// prevent name mangling
extern "C" {

SEXP __cdecl test(SEXP s){

   SEXP result;
   PROTECT(result = NEW_NUMERIC(1));
   double* ptr=NUMERIC_POINTER(result);
   double t = *REAL(s);
   double u = t-floor(t)-0.5;
   if(u>0) *ptr=-1+4*u; else *ptr=-1-4*u;
   Rprintf("The value is %f", *ptr);
   return result;


It is compiled with

R CMD SHLIB source.c

If you want C++, then name your file source.cpp

SHLIB compiles files with .c extensions with a C compiler, which will not be happy about extern "C"

with flag


If I compile with the default flags I get an error message about an
undefined reference to "__gxx_personality_v0".
However when I call this code from R with

test<- function(t){

then R crashes.
I have a vague idea of the issue of calling conventions and was hoping that
the __cdecl
specifier would force the appropriate convention.
I also have Cygwin installed as part of the Python(x,y) distribution but I
am assuming that
R CMD SHLIB source.c
calls the right compiler.

What could the problem be?

Many thanks,


Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- http://bit.ly/98Uf7u : Rcpp 0.8.1
|- http://bit.ly/c6YnCi : graph gallery collage
`- http://bit.ly/bZ7ltC : inline 0.3.5

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