Hadley Wickham
London: 1st - 2nd November 2010
Data Visualisation in R: Harnessing the power of ggplot2 to produce elegant 
data graphics

Mango Solutions is delighted to offer a one-off 2 day training course with Dr. 
Hadley Wickham, R Project Data Visualisation Guru and creator of ggplot 2. The 
course is a must for any R user looking to improve their data visualisation 
skills. Suitable for any level of R experience, it will especially benefit 
those who know how to get data in and out of R and who can do some basic 

Places will be limited on what will be a very popular course.

Course Content:

Day One
Basic graphics
- How to create scatterplots, and how to add extra variables with aesthetics 
(like colour, shape and size) or facetting. Jittering, histograms and 
reordering. Coding strategy best practices.
- Data: fuel economy of US cars.
Graphics for large data
- Histograms and bar charts for displaying distributional summaries. More 
boxplots. Other techniques for overcoming overplotting when drawing 
scatterplots of large datasets.
- Data: prices and characteristics of 50,000 diamonds. 
Data manipulation and transformation
- Group-wise summaries and transformations to add extra information to your 
plots. How to visualise time series.
- Data: trends in US baby names over the last 120 years.
Data analysis case study
- Iteration between graphics, transformation and modelling. More practice using 
ddply, and combining it with other R functions.
- Data: US baby names

Day Two
Visualising space
- What is map data and how can you draw it? Working with shape files. Basic 
ggplot2 theory. How to combine multiple layers. Combining maps with data. 
Choropleths/themeatic maps, proportional symbol maps.
- Data: Texas mortality and worldwide TB infections
ggplot2 theory and graphical critique
- How to critique a graphic (how is a graphic like pumpkin pie?) What is the 
layered grammar of graphics and why is it important? Using the grammar to 
create richer plots.
Polishing your plots for presentation
- Tweaking your plots for maximum presentation impact. Introduction to colour 
theory. Labels, legends and axes. Tweaking the plot themes.
Where to next
- General development advice.

Hadley Wickham is the Dobelman Family Junior Chair in Statistics at Rice 
University. He is an active member of the R community, has written and 
contributed to over 20 R packages and won the John Chambers Award for 
Statistical Computing for his work developing tools for data reshaping and 
visualisation. His research focuses on how to make data analysis better, faster 
and easier with a particular emphasis on the use of visualisation to better 
understand data and models.

For more information please contact: train...@mango-solutions.com
01249 767700 or visit www.mango-solutions.com
Venue to be confirmed but will be a central London location. 
Price for 2 day course £1,000 ex. VAT

Sarah Lewis
T: +44 (0)1249 767700 Ext: 200
F: +44 (0)1249 767707
M: +44 (0)7746 224226
Unit 2 Greenways Business Park 
Bellinger Close
SN15 1BN

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