On Oct 6, 2010, at 5:39 AM, wesley mathew wrote:

Dear All

I am sorry.
Can you tell me which is the correct place to send my doubt about GridR

I think the message from Uwe was suggesting the you have a more basic problem with your machine setup. I, for instance, have a broken installation of curl at the moment but am not sending off emails to Duncan Temple Lang just because he wrote a package that depends on that system facility.

To answer your question though, ... you look at the package documentation.


Will almost always bring up a description that includes that authors and maintainer.

You could also access the the package description entry for the maintainer with this function:

maintainer <- function(pkg="") {packageDescription(pkg)$Maintainer}


Error in the scp transfer.

Thanks in advanced
Kind Regards
W. Mathew

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Uwe Ligges <lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de>
Date: 2010/10/5
Subject: Re: [R] Error during scp transfer
To: wesley mathew <wesleycmat...@gmail.com>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org

We really cannot help to solve your ssh problems.

Uwe Ligges

On 04.10.2010 18:06, wesley mathew wrote:

Dear all

I am implement one grid computing system using GridR package. I am
working on windows platform. I did all the configuration according to
the GridR tutorial.
But it has some errors when I execute grid.apply function.
Here is the output from stderr:
R: not found
java.io.IOException: Error during SCP transfer.
       at com.trilead.ssh2.SCPClient.get(SCPClient.java:703)
       at com.trilead.ssh2.SCPClient.get(SCPClient.java:596)
       at MySSh.download(MySSh.java:104)
       at MySSh.main(MySSh.java:151)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Remote SCP error: scp:
grid/grid-ORNITORRINCO-1708-2010-10-04-15-28-47-9-script.Rout: No such file
or directory
       at com.trilead.ssh2.SCPClient.receiveFiles(SCPClient.java:325)
       at com.trilead.ssh2.SCPClient.get(SCPClient.java:699)
       ... 3 more
Grid job had error:
SSH Connection Error:Error during SCP transfer.

Could you please give some suggestion to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards
W. Mathew

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Wesley C Mathew

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David Winsemius, MD
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