Hi Rashid,
you may have a look at the colorRampPalette-function, along with the
"at" argument oh heatmap.2

# or just using the colors you posted


Am 08.10.2010 17:03, schrieb rashid kazmi:
> Hi
> I made heatmap of QTL based on Lod score. Where I have traits in columns and
> marker data (rows). I can not cluster both column and rows as I need the
> right order for marker data.
> Can someone suggest me better way of generating heatmaps especially the
> colour key I want to select to visualize the results which are more
> interesting to look at.
>> library(gplots)
>> sample=read.csv(file.choose())
>> sample.names<-sample[,1]
>> sample.set<-sample[,-1]
>> sample.map <- as.matrix(sample.set)
> ### have to order as i have markers on rows so just want denrogram on
> triats(column)
>> ord <- order(rowSums(abs(sample.map)),decreasing=T)
>> heatmap.2(sample.map[ord,],Rowv=F,dendrogram="column",trace="none",col=greenred(10))
> But I want to give colours more specifically as I want to show the QTL
> hotspots starting as fallow
> 1)      -6  to -4 (blue)
> 2)       -4 to -2 (light blue)
> 3)      -2 to  0  (dark grey or black)
> 4)      0 to 2 (dark grey or black)
> 5)      2 to 4 (yellow)
> 6)      4 to 6 (red)
> Any help or some addition to the above mentioned R code would be
> appreciated.
> R Kazmi
> PhD
> The Netheralnd
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