Hi All,

Here is the code that I'll be referring to:

p <- ggplot(wastran.data, aes(PER_KEY, EVENTS))
(p <- p +
    facet_grid( pool.short ~ .) +
    stat_summary(aes(y=EVENTS), fun.y = sum, geom="line") +
    opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(angle = 90, hjust=1), title="Events
(15min.) vs. Time: Facet pool", strip.text.y = theme_text())

Now, depending on preceding parameters, the 'pool.short' factor variable in
'wastran.data' can have one distinct factor level or it can have more than
one.  When 'pool.short' has more than one factor level, the graph performs
as I expect, with multiple rows of graphs with the value of the 'pool.short'
variable displayed on the right-hand side of the graph.  When 'pool.short'
has only one factor level, the value is NOT displayed on the right-hand
side.  However, I'd still like it displayed, even though it has only one

Can someone tell me how to tweak this code to make it still display when it
has only 1 factor level?  If this code is unclear, I will be happy to take
some time and generate an artificial but reproducible self-contained
example.  I left in the stat_summary layer in this code in case it is
interfering with the desired output (but I suspect is is superfluous, but I
am not confident enough to say that with absolute certainty).


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