On 2010-11-25 07:00, statquant2 wrote:

Dear R users,

I am trying to move the "xlab" string on my xyplot, without success, I would
like it to shifted down, would one of you know a way ?

Thanks for reading

Have a look at the possible height adjustments with


Likely candidates for adjustment are:
  xlab             (space for the label)
  axis.bottom      (space between axis and bottom)
  axis.xlab.bottom (space between axis, label, and bottom)

Then try

  xyplot(rnorm(10) ~ 1:10, xlab = "the x-label",
    par.settings = list(
      layout.heights = list(
        xlab = 3
  #     axis.xlab.padding = 3
  #     axis.bottom = 3

Comment/uncomment to suit.

Peter Ehlers

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