
CrossTable() knows nothing about the proprietary formats of Word tables. 
The output is designed for the R console, using a fixed width 
(monospace) font. The cell boundaries are drawn using standard ASCII 

There are no plans at present to modify the format of the output to 
support third party application functionality, though I am considering a 
future modification to enable LaTeX output to support Sweave functionality.

You are of course free to modify the source code for CrossTable() to fit 
your own requirements, which is the advantage of using an open source 


Marc Schwartz

> Thank you Gabor,
> but with 1. or 2. I don´t get
> a table, which can be changed and formatted using the WORD table functions
> (like changing column width and formatting text in rows).
> The result of 1. ist an bitmap and
> the result of 2. an ASCII-Table
> A rich formatted (*.rtf) table/object would be better.
> I tried this with the view(....) (see below).
> Udo
> Quoting Gabor Grothendieck<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Here are 2 ways:
>> 1. Display it on the screen and hit the PrintScreen button.
>> Then paste that into Word and use Word's image editor
>> to crop it and expand or shrink it appropriately.
>> 2. Run this in R:
>> capture.output(CrossTable(...whatever...), file = "clipboard")
>> Paste the clipboard into Word and change the font of the
>> pasted text to Courier or other fixed space font and change its
>> size too if need be.
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 10:30 AM,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>> # Dear list,
>>> # I am an R-beginner and
>>> # spent the last days looking for a method to insert tables produced
>>> # with R into a word document. I thought about SPPS:  copy a table from
>>> # an SPO-file and paste it into a word document
>>> # (if needed do some formatting with that table).
>>> # Annother idea was, to produce a TEX-file,
>>> # insert it and make it a word-table.
>>> # I found the following libraries, which seemed to be promising:
>>> # xtable
>>> # prettyR
>>> # R2HTML
>>> # Hmisc
>>> # SciViews / svViews
>>> #######################################################################
>>> ## My example: a crosstable (made with CrossTable from lib gmodels ####
>>> #######################################################################
>>> library(gmodels)
>>> library(xtable)
>>> library(svViews)
>>> # Data for crosstabulation
>>> set.seed(1)
>>> n<- 200
>>> sex<- sample(c("f","m"),n,T)
>>> state<- sample(c("AL","AK","CA"),n,T)
>>> #Create crosstab
>>> ct<- CrossTable(state, sex, expected=TRUE, format="SPSS", digits=1)
>>> ct #display crosstab on screen
>>> #Trie to produce a html file
>>> xtable(ct) #Error message: No method!
>>> methods(xtable)
>>> #Try to create a rich formatted table and insert it into Word
>>> #with svViws, but only a little part of crosstab it inserted
>>> docdir<- "r:\\r"
>>> WordOpen(file.path(docdir, "cross.doc"))
>>> viewfile<- view(ct, type = "summary", browse = FALSE)
>>> WordGoto("ctview")
>>> WordInsertFile(viewfile, TRUE) #only a little part of crosstab inserted
>>> WordActivate(async = TRUE)
>>> #How could I create the latex-code for the crosstable?
>>> w<- latex(ct) #would that work?
>>> # I could not test this, because I didn´t install Miktex yet
>>> # (I will do this soon)
>>> Can someone help me?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Udo

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