On Feb 16, 2008 5:28 PM, David Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Feb 2008, Alan Zaslavsky wrote:
> >
> > If you want to get nicely formatted tables in Word and are familiar with
> > Office tools (I know it's the Evil Empire but some of us work there), I
> > suggest that you use Excel for formatting and then insert the table into
> > your Word document.  IMHO, Excel is much superior to Word for table
> > formatting, e.g. modifying number of significant digits, playing around
> > with fonts and number formats, etc.  And when you have gotten the formats
> > right you can paste in modified values of the numbers in the table without
> > having to do the formatting again.  Including the table in your Word
> > document is easy by cut-paste or creating a live link.
> >
> > As a user of R under Unix I haven't looked into the facilities for writing
> > tables to Excel under Windows but there is something there.  Alternatively
> > you can write a fixed-column or tab-delimited file and easily import to
> > Excel.
> >
> Production of tables and formatting them in Word is something I have dealt
> with a couple of times recently and it really is important to do something
> smart because of the time taken to individually format tables.
> An approach I used recently was to produce a text table in R and export it
> to Excel as a .csv file which could then be copied as is to Word. Borders
> and the like would still have to be formatted individually but not entries

You could get a border automatically by writing your table out
as HTML.  Try this using the builtin data frame iris:

HTML(iris, border = 1, file("clipboard","w"), append=FALSE)

Now paste that into Excel and from Excel into Word and you should
have a border around it.

See ?HTML.data.frame

You could alternately generate the HTML yourself giving quite a bit
of control.

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