Peter Maclean <pmaclean2011 <at>> writes:

> In glm() you can use the summary() function to recover
> the shape parameter (the reciprocal of the
> dispersion parameter). How do you recover the scale parameter? 
> Also, in the given example, how I estimate
> and save the geometric mean of the predicted values? 
> For a simple model you can use fitted() or predicted()
> functions. I will appreciate any help. 
> #Call required R packages
> require(plyr)  
> require(stats) 
> require(fitdistrplus)
> require(MASS)
> #Grouped vector
> n <- c(1:10)
> yr <-c(1:10)
> ny <- list(yr=yr,n=n)
> require(utils)
> ny <- expand.grid(ny) 
> y = rgamma(100, shape=1.5, rate = 1, scale = 2)

   It's a bit odd to specify both the rate and scale parameters,
which are redundant.  I would have guessed that the
rate parameter would dominate, but it looks like the
scale parameter dominates:

> set.seed(1001); rgamma(1,shape=1,rate=2)
[1] 1.622577
> set.seed(1001); rgamma(1,shape=1,scale=2)
[1] 6.490306
> set.seed(1001); rgamma(1,shape=1,rate=2,scale=2)
[1] 6.490306
> set.seed(1001); rgamma(1,shape=1,scale=2,rate=2)
[1] 6.490306

  (I know, I could go look at the source, but it's
a .Internal() function and I'm feeling lazy ...)

> Gdata <- cbind(ny,y)
> Gdata2<- Gdata
> Gdata$x1 <- cos((3.14*yr)/365.25) 
> Gdata$x2 <- sin((3.14*yr)/365.25) 
> #Fitting Generalized Linear Models 
> Gdata <- split(Gdata,Gdata$n)
> FGLM <- lapply(Gdata, function(x){
>               m <- as.numeric(x$y)
>               x1 <- m <- as.numeric(x$x1)
>               x2 <- m <- as.numeric(x$x2)
>               summary(glm(m~1+x1+x2, family=Gamma),dispersion=NULL) 
>                })

  Note that you have simulated a null model (the data don't
depend on the covariates).

> #Save the results of the estimated parameters
> str(FGLM,no.list = TRUE)
> SFGLMC<- ldply(FGLM, function(x) x$coefficients)
> SFGLMD<- ldply(FGLM, function(x) x$dispersion)

  Which scale parameter do you mean?  In a real
model it will vary with x1 and x2.  Let's try an
experiment first:

> set.seed(1001)
> z <- rgamma(10000,shape=2,scale=3)
> g1 <- glm(z~1,family=Gamma)
> summary(g1)

glm(formula = z ~ 1, family = Gamma)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.8434  -0.6579  -0.1702   0.3081   2.6220  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 0.167013   0.001189   140.5   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.5066566)

    Null deviance: 5419.8  on 9999  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 5419.8  on 9999  degrees of freedom
AIC: 53526

  Here the intercept estimate is 0.167 , which is very
nearly 1/6 = 1/(shape*scale) -- i.e. the Gamma GLM is
parameterized in terms of the mean (on the inverse
scale).  If you want to recover
the scale parameter for the intercept case, then


should be pretty good.

As for the geometric means -- that's pretty tricky.
*If* you used a log link, then the predicted values on
the link scale (i.e. predict(g1,type="link")) would indeed
give you the geometric means.  On the inverse scale, though,
you would have to do a bit of finagling.

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