On 11/22/2011 01:16 PM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
Hi Josh,

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Joshua Wiley<jwiley.ps...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi Gábor,

You could import rowSums.  This will not fully attach Matrix.  I am
not sure there is a really good solution for what you want to do.  To
fully use and validate your package, Matrix appears to be required.
This is different from simply, for example, enhancing the Matrix

importing rowSums() from NAMESPACE requires having Matrix in the
'Depends:' line, I think. I would like to avoid that, if possible.

No need to Depend:. Use

Imports: Matrix

plus in the NAMESPACE file

 importFrom(Matrix, rowSums)

Why do you not want to do this? Matrix is available for everyone, Imports: doesn't influence the package search path. There is a cost associated with loading the library in the first place, but...?

Sure, to validate my package it is required. That is fine. For "fully"
using it might be required, but most users don't fully use a package,
they just use 1-20-50% of the functionality, depending on the size of
the package. My package does not depend on Matrix, except in less than
1% of its (quite many) functions.

I'm more into black-and-white -- it either needs Matrix or not; apparently it does.

You could just write the functions assuming matrix is there, make sure
the examples are marked don't run, and tell users if they want to use
them, they need to load Matrix first.  I do this with OpenMx in my

Hmmm, this is close to what I want to do. Actually my functions work,
even if Matrix is not there, but they work better with Matrix. The
problem is that if I do this, then I get the error I've shown in my
initial email. I.e. Matrix is there, it is loaded, but the rowSums()
generic is not called for some reasons.

In another message you mention

> Matrix:::rowSums(W)
Error in callGeneric() :
  'callGeneric' must be called from a generic function or method

but something else is going on -- you don't get to call methods directly; you're getting Matrix::rowSums (it's exported, so no need for a :::, see getNamespaceExports("Matrix")). Maybe traceback() after the error would be insightful?


Thanks again,



On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Gábor Csárdi<csa...@rmki.kfki.hu>  wrote:
Dear All,

in some functions of my package, I use the Matrix S4 class, as defined
in the Matrix package.

I don't want to depend on Matrix, however, because my package is
perfectly fine without Matrix, most of the functionality does not need
Matrix. Matrix is so included in the 'Suggests' line.

I load Matrix via require(), from the functions that really need it.
This mostly works fine, but I have an issue now that I cannot sort

If I define a function like this in my package:

f<- function() {
  res<- sparseMatrix(dims=c(5, 5), i=1:5, j=1:5, x=1:5)
  y<- rowSums(res)
  res / y

then calling it from the R prompt I get
Error in rowSums(res) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions

which basically means that the rowSums() in the base package is
called, not the S4 generic in the Matrix package. Why is that?
Is there any way to work around this problem, without depending on Matrix?

I am doing this on R 2.14.0, x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0.

Thank You, Best Regards,

Gabor Csardi<csa...@rmki.kfki.hu>      MTA KFKI RMKI

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