Oops, yes,

I am using CentOS Linux 6.0, R 2.14.1 and nlme 3.1-103

I looked at the problem more carefully. For some datasets applied to nlme, nlme 
gets "stuck" in one of the iterations and the memory usage just grows and grows.

nlme works by alternating between solving two conditional optimizations.  And 
the number of iterations and parameters for each of those steps can be 
modified. I can reduce the number of iterations but even then it seems that 
difficult cases in my simulation eventually appear.

I  am trying to stop the program after it trespasses certain memory limit. 
However, that might mean going into the nlme code myself and making some 
modifications.  I will also try making the change in the shell so that no 
processes can go beyond a certain amount of memory.  Anybody has experience 
with nlme getting out of control in terms of memory usage? 


_________________________ _______________
From: Prof Brian Ripley [rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 4:04 PM
To: Ramiro Barrantes
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] R process taking over memory

You haven't even told us your OS (see the posting guide).

But the usual way is to get your OS to set a memory limit for a
process (usually via your shell), and to run things under
try/tryCatch.  Then the OS will stop R allocating more than the limit,
the current task in R will fail, and the loop can move on to the next.

I would just caution that these OS facilities do not always work as
advertised.  E.g. the current man pages on Fedora 16 are not actually

On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Ramiro Barrantes wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a general question on the possibility of how to "catch and stop" a 
> function when it uses too much memory.
> The problem is that some datasets, when applied to nlme (a relatively older 
> version), cause the nlme function to just hang forever and start taking over 
> memory (this afternoon one of those calls was about 40GB!) and not returning 
> an answer. Other datasets work fine.
> I am trying to debug nlme by varying its parameters but I have a general 
> question in the interim. I have the following situation:
> for i in (1:N) {
>    dataset <- createDataset(i)
>    try(nlme(dataset, otherParameters))
> }
> If one of those datasets starts using, say more than 2GB of memory I would 
> like to just stop nlme, get an error, record it, and move on with the next 
> dataset.  Right now with some datasets nlme takes over the computer memory 
> and the system ends up killing the entire process.
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Ramiro
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Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
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