Haio <joakim.aback <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Hi there 
> I am new user of r, i would need some help to translate som code for vectors
> in matlab to r. I have managed to translate the first 7 rows, but not the
> rest. Could anyone give me any suggestions for this problem??
> Matlab code:
> tempo=[];
> temps=[];
> tempn=[];
> tempao=[];
> tempas=[];
> tempan=[];
> for k=1:5
>     tempo = [tempo n_o(k,:)];
>     temps = [temps n_s(k,:)];
>     tempn = [tempn n_n(k,:)];
>     tempao = [tempao nanst_o(k,:)];
>     tempas = [tempas nanst_s(k,:)];
>     tempan = [tempan nanst_n(k,:)];
> end.
> This is the code that i´m trying to translate into r, so far i have managed
> to translate the first 7 rows into r, but not last 6 rows.

This is extremely bad Matlab code, I would discourage you to translate it 
line by line. What the code does:

It takes each of the matrices n_o, n_s, n_n, nanst_o, nanst_s, nanst_n 
and combines the first five lines into vectors each. A way to do this in R 
could be as follows:

    tempo <- c(t(n_o[1:5, ]))
    # etc.

where n_o, etc. will be the same matrices as in your Matlab example.
A similar solution, of course, would be possible in Matlab.

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