
You are not using dates.

> 2011-01-01
[1] 2009
> 2011-07-01
[1] 2003
> as.Date(2011-07-01)
Error in as.Date.numeric(2011 - 7 - 1) : 'origin' must be supplied
> as.Date("2011-07-01")
[1] "2011-07-01"

The error is because as.Date is seeing 2003 as a number, the number of days since an unspecified origin.
The solution for your problem would be to quote the dates.

> Sys.Date() > "2011-07-01"
[1] TRUE

(And if you want to keep the dates between your two limits, '&' is the operator to use.)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

*> *May 19, 2012; 2:34pm — by Allen <http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=user_nodes&user=368527> Allen <http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=user_nodes&user=368527>
> Hello,
*> *
*> *Can someone help me on how to make a subset of my dataframe using two dates. This is what I have tried, but no data is being excluded in the new frame.
*> *
*> *six_months<-subset(Two_years, vdate>2011-01-01|vdate<2011-07-01)
*> *
*> *or all data is excluded
*> *
*> *six_months<-subset(Two_years, vdate>2011-01-01&vdate<2011-07-01)


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