I have a data set for different time intervals. The data has three comment
lines before data for each time interval. For each time interval there are
500 data points. I want to change the dataset such that I have the following


    t1        t2            t3   ................

    0.00208             0.00417 0.00625 .................

    a1       a2           a3 ...................

    b1       b2           b3 ...................

    c1        c2            c3 .................




The link to the file is as follows:


As you will see on the file, time for each interval is the second data of
the third line before the data starts. For the first time, t= 0.00208. I
need to change the data in several rows into one column. At last I need to
create a dataframe with the format shown above. In the sample above, a1, b1,
c1 are the data for time t1, and so on. 


The sample data is as follows:



    ** N:SNAPSHOT    TIME      DELT[S]

    ** WATER DEPTH [M]: (HP(L),L=2,LA)

          1800        0.00208   0.10000

         3.224     3.221     3.220     3.217     3.216     3.214     3.212
3.210     3.209     3.207

         3.205     3.203     3.202     3.200     3.199     3.197     3.196
3.193     3.192     3.190

         3.189     3.187     3.186     3.184     3.184     3.182     3.181
3.179     3.178     3.176

         3.175     3.174     3.173     3.171     3.170     3.169     3.168
3.167     3.166     3.164

         3.164     3.162     3.162     3.160     3.160     3.158     3.158
3.156     3.156     3.155

         3.154     3.153     3.152     3.151     3.150     3.150     3.149
3.149     3.147     3.147

         3.146     3.146     3.145     3.145     3.144     3.144     3.143
3.143     3.142     3.142

         3.141     3.142     3.141     3.141     3.140     3.141     3.140
3.140     3.139     3.140

         3.139     3.140     3.139     3.140     3.139     3.140     3.139
3.140     3.139     3.140

         3.139     3.140     3.140     3.140     3.140     3.141     3.141
3.142     3.141     3.142

         3.142     3.142     3.143     3.143     3.144     3.144     3.145
3.145     3.146     3.146

         3.147     3.148     3.149     3.149     3.150     3.150     3.152
3.152     3.153     3.154

         3.155     3.156     3.157     3.158     3.159     3.160     3.161
3.162     3.163     3.164

         3.165     3.166     3.168     3.169     3.170     3.171     3.173
3.174     3.176     3.176

         3.178     3.179     3.181     3.182     3.184     3.185     3.187
3.188     3.190     3.191

         3.194     3.195     3.196     3.198     3.199     3.202     3.203
3.205     3.207     3.209

         3.210     3.213     3.214     3.217     3.218     3.221     3.222
3.225     3.226     3.229

         3.231     3.233     3.235     3.238     3.239     3.242     3.244
3.247     3.248     3.251

         3.253     3.256     3.258     3.261     3.263     3.266     3.268
3.271     3.273     3.276

         3.278     3.281     3.283     3.286     3.289     3.292     3.294
3.297     3.299     3.303

         3.305     3.307     3.311     3.313     3.317     3.319     3.322
3.325     3.328     3.331

         3.334     3.337     3.340     3.343     3.347     3.349     3.353
3.356     3.359     3.362

         3.366     3.369     3.372     3.375     3.379     3.382     3.386
3.388     3.392     3.395

         3.399     3.402     3.406     3.409     3.413     3.416     3.420
3.423     3.427     3.430

         3.435     3.438     3.442     3.445     3.449     3.453     3.457
3.460     3.464     3.468

         3.472     3.475     3.479     3.483     3.486     3.491     3.494
3.498     3.502     3.506

         3.510     3.514     3.518     3.522     3.526     3.531     3.534
3.539     3.542     3.547

         3.551     3.555     3.559     3.564     3.567     3.572     3.576
3.581     3.584     3.589

         3.593     3.598     3.602     3.606     3.610     3.615     3.619
3.624     3.628     3.633

         3.637     3.642     3.646     3.651     3.655     3.660     3.664
3.669     3.673     3.678

         3.682     3.686     3.691     3.695     3.700     3.704     3.710
3.714     3.719     3.723

         3.728     3.733     3.738     3.742     3.747     3.752     3.757
3.761     3.766     3.771

         3.776     3.780     3.786     3.790     3.795     3.800     3.805
3.810     3.815     3.819

         3.825     3.829     3.835     3.839     3.845     3.849     3.855
3.859     3.865     3.869

         3.875     3.879     3.885     3.889     3.895     3.900     3.905
3.910     3.915     3.920

         3.926     3.930     3.935     3.941     3.945     3.951     3.956
3.961     3.966     3.972

         3.976     3.982     3.987     3.993     3.997     4.003     4.008
4.014     4.018     4.024

         4.029     4.035     4.039     4.045     4.050     4.056     4.061
4.066     4.071     4.077

         4.082     4.088     4.093     4.099     4.103     4.109     4.114
4.120     4.125     4.131

         4.136     4.142     4.147     4.153     4.157     4.163     4.168
4.174     4.179     4.185

         4.190     4.195     4.201     4.206     4.212     4.217     4.223
4.228     4.234     4.239

         4.245     4.250     4.256     4.261     4.267     4.272     4.278
4.283     4.289     4.294

         4.300     4.305     4.311     4.316     4.322     4.327     4.333
4.339     4.345     4.350

         4.356     4.361     4.367     4.372     4.378     4.383     4.389
4.394     4.400     4.405

         4.411     4.417     4.423     4.428     4.434     4.439     4.445
4.450     4.456     4.461

         4.467     4.473     4.478     4.484     4.489     4.495     4.500
4.506     4.511     4.517

         4.523     4.529     4.534     4.540     4.545     4.551     4.556
4.562     4.568     4.574

         4.579     4.585     4.590     4.596     4.601     4.607     4.613
4.619     4.624     4.630

         4.635     4.641     4.646     4.652     4.658     4.664     4.669
4.675     4.680     4.686

         4.691     4.697     4.703     4.709     4.714     4.720     4.725
4.731     4.736     4.741

    ** N:SNAPSHOT    TIME      DELT[S]

    ** WATER DEPTH [M]: (HP(L),L=2,LA)

          3600        0.00417   0.10000

         4.124     4.123     4.123     4.122     4.122     4.121     4.121
4.120     4.120     4.119

         4.118     4.117     4.117     4.116     4.116     4.115     4.115
4.114     4.114     4.114

         4.114     4.113     4.113     4.112     4.112     4.111     4.111
4.110     4.110     4.109

         4.109     4.109     4.109     4.108     4.108     4.107     4.107
4.106     4.107     4.106

         4.106     4.105     4.105     4.105     4.105     4.104     4.104
4.104     4.104     4.103

         4.103     4.103     4.102     4.102     4.102     4.102     4.101
4.102     4.101     4.101

         4.101     4.101     4.100     4.101     4.100     4.101     4.100
4.100     4.100     4.100

         4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100
4.100     4.100     4.100

         4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100     4.100
4.100     4.100     4.101

         4.100     4.101     4.100     4.101     4.101     4.101     4.101
4.102     4.101     4.102

         4.102     4.101     4.102     4.102     4.103     4.102     4.103
4.103     4.104     4.103

         4.104     4.104     4.105     4.104     4.105     4.105     4.106
4.106     4.107     4.106

         4.107     4.107     4.108     4.108     4.109     4.109     4.110
4.110     4.110     4.110

         4.111     4.111     4.112     4.112     4.113     4.113     4.114
4.114     4.115     4.115

         4.116     4.116     4.117     4.117     4.118     4.118     4.120
4.120     4.121     4.121

         4.122     4.122     4.122     4.123     4.123     4.125     4.125
4.126     4.126     4.127

         4.128     4.129     4.129     4.130     4.130     4.132     4.132
4.133     4.133     4.135

         4.135     4.136     4.137     4.138     4.138     4.139     4.140
4.141     4.141     4.143

         4.143     4.145     4.145     4.146     4.147     4.148     4.149
4.150     4.150     4.152

         4.152     4.154     4.154     4.156     4.156     4.158     4.158
4.160     4.160     4.162

         4.162     4.163     4.164     4.165     4.166     4.167     4.168
4.169     4.171     4.171

         4.173     4.173     4.175     4.176     4.177     4.178     4.180
4.180     4.182     4.183

         4.184     4.185     4.187     4.187     4.189     4.190     4.192
4.192     4.194     4.195

         4.197     4.197     4.199     4.200     4.202     4.203     4.204
4.205     4.207     4.208

         4.210     4.210     4.212     4.213     4.215     4.216     4.218
4.219     4.221     4.221

         4.223     4.224     4.225     4.227     4.228     4.230     4.231
4.233     4.234     4.236

         4.237     4.239     4.240     4.242     4.243     4.245     4.246
4.248     4.249     4.251

         4.252     4.254     4.255     4.257     4.258     4.260     4.262
4.264     4.265     4.267

         4.268     4.270     4.271     4.273     4.275     4.277     4.278
4.280     4.281     4.283

         4.285     4.287     4.288     4.290     4.291     4.294     4.295
4.297     4.298     4.301

         4.302     4.303     4.305     4.307     4.309     4.310     4.312
4.314     4.316     4.317

         4.320     4.321     4.323     4.325     4.327     4.328     4.331
4.332     4.334     4.336

         4.338     4.339     4.342     4.343     4.346     4.347     4.349
4.351     4.353     4.355

         4.357     4.359     4.361     4.362     4.365     4.366     4.369
4.370     4.373     4.374

         4.377     4.378     4.381     4.382     4.385     4.386     4.389
4.390     4.393     4.394

         4.397     4.398     4.400     4.402     4.404     4.406     4.408
4.411     4.412     4.415

         4.416     4.419     4.421     4.423     4.425     4.427     4.429
4.432     4.433     4.436

         4.437     4.440     4.442     4.444     4.446     4.449     4.450
4.453     4.455     4.457

         4.459     4.462     4.463     4.466     4.468     4.470     4.472
4.475     4.476     4.479

         4.481     4.484     4.485     4.488     4.490     4.492     4.494
4.497     4.499     4.501

         4.503     4.505     4.508     4.509     4.512     4.514     4.517
4.519     4.521     4.523

         4.526     4.528     4.530     4.532     4.535     4.537     4.540
4.541     4.544     4.546

         4.549     4.551     4.554     4.555     4.558     4.560     4.563
4.565     4.568     4.569

         4.572     4.574     4.577     4.579     4.582     4.584     4.586
4.588     4.591     4.593

         4.596     4.598     4.601     4.603     4.605     4.607     4.610
4.612     4.615     4.617

         4.620     4.622     4.624     4.627     4.628     4.631     4.633
4.636     4.638     4.641

         4.643     4.646     4.648     4.651     4.653     4.656     4.657
4.660     4.662     4.665

         4.667     4.670     4.672     4.675     4.677     4.680     4.682
4.685     4.687     4.690

         4.692     4.695     4.697     4.700     4.702     4.705     4.706
4.709     4.711     4.714

         4.716     4.719     4.721     4.724     4.726     4.729     4.731
4.734     4.736     4.741


Currently, I have around 10 columns of data for each time. I want to make a
data frame such that all those data on different columns will be combined in
1 column of data. So, I want to arrange the data columns such that first the
data on row 1 will be used and then data on second row and so on. This way,
we will have one column for one time.


Thank you for your help and suggestion. 




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