Rui et al.

Certainly correct.

However, I think the use of force() and similar should be avoided if
possible, as computing on the language can be tricky. So here is an
alternative formulation that avoids it:

faux <- function(c){
  f <- get(paste0(c,"gamma")) ## evaluation of c is forced here

Now another way to do this is:

faux <- function(c, nm = paste0(c,"gamma")){
     f <- get(nm)

This, in turn, suggests a more flexible function that would work for
any  distribution, using ... to pass in the arguments needed

faux <- function(c, nm = "gamma",...){
     f <- get(paste0(c,nm))

This could be called with:

> xgam <- lapply(c("p","d"), faux, shape=k, scale=theta)
> xgam[[1]](1000)
[1] 0.8710477
> xgam[[2]](1000)
[1] 0.001265311

But it would also work for, e.g. "norm"

> xnorm <- lapply(c("p","d"), faux, nm="norm", mean=5)
> xnorm[[1]](6)
[1] 0.8413447
> xnorm[[2]](6)
[1] 0.2419707


P.S. Bill Dunlap might have something to say about this. I think there
may be better ways to approach this whole business, but I prefer such
insight from real experts.

-- Bert

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Rui Barradas <> wrote:
> Hello,
> My solution works but it is incorrect. We should force the argument 'c', not
> the return value. Like said in the help page for force. Which I've only read
> after my first post. The following way makes much more sense and is a bit
> shorter.
> faux <- function(c) {
>         force(c)
>         function (x) get(paste0(c,"gamma"))(x,k,scale=theta)
> }
> Rui Barradas
> Em 05-06-2013 10:49, Rui Barradas escreveu:
>> Hello,
>> If in faux we ?force the return value, the bug is gone.
>> faux <- function(c) {
>>      f <- function (x) get(paste0(c,"gamma"))(x,k,scale=theta)
>>      force(f)
>>      f
>> }
>> Hope this helps,
>> Rui Barradas
>> Em 05-06-2013 07:13, Michael Weylandt escreveu:
>>> On Jun 5, 2013, at 3:53, Julio Sergio <> wrote:
>>>> I want to generate specific gamma distribution functions, given fixed
>>>> parameters.
>>>> This is I have k, and theta, say
>>>>    k <- 32.2549       # shape
>>>>    theta <- 26.32809  # scale
>>>>    # I have an auxiliary function that produces funcions according to
>>>>    # a given character (this is to have either dgamma, pgamma or qgamma)
>>>>    # for the specific parameters given above:
>>>>    faux <- function(c) {
>>>>      function (x) get(paste0(c,"gamma"))(x,k,scale=theta)
>>>>    }
>>>>    # So I can have, for instance, dgamma, and pgamma with
>>>>    dff <- faux("d")
>>>>    pff <- faux("p")
>>>>    dff(1000)
>>>>    ## [1] 0.001433138
>>>>    pff(1000)
>>>>    ## [1] 0.844305
>>>> Now, if I try to produce both functions in one shot with lapply, the
>>>> thing
>>>> doesn't work, see
>>>>    ffs <- lapply(c("d", "p"), faux)
>>>>    ffs[[1]](1000)
>>>>    ## [1] 0.844305
>>>>    ffs[[2]](1000)
>>>>    ## [1] 0.844305
>>>> The two produced functions are the very same and correspond to pgamma!!
>>>> Maybe I'm missing something. Do you have any idea?
>>> I think you are hitting a bit of strangeness R generously calls 'lazy
>>> evaluation'.  I'm afraid I don't have a reference at hand, but search
>>> the archives for mention of the promise mechanism.
>>> MW
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>   -Sergio.
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

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