Thanks so much for your help everyone.  This really helped me a lot.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Barry Rowlingson <> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 10:48 PM, john doe <> wrote:
> > I am having trouble understanding how classes in R work.  Here is a small
> > reproducable example:
> >
> >> x=1
> >> class(x)
> > [1] "numeric"
> >
> > OK.  When a variable is a number, its class is "numeric".  Does R have
> > multiple types for numbers, like C++ (eg integer, float, double).  If so,
> > where can I see a list, and how does "numeric" fit into this system?
> >
> >> x=1:100
> >> class(x)
> > [1] "integer"
> >
> > Wait - I thought that I assigned x to be an array/vector of 100 integers
> > (numerics).  Why is the class not "array" or "vector".  How is "integer"
> > different than "numeric"?  Is there a "vector" or "array" class in R?  If
> > so, why is this not that?
> In most programming languages scalars and vectors (aka 1-d arrays) are
> completely different things. However in R a scalar is the same thing
> as a length-1 vector. Don't think of x=1 and x=1:100 as the first
> creating a scalar and the second creating a vector containing 100
> scalar values. The first creates a vector containing 1 scalar value,
> and the second creates a vector conatining 100 scalar values. You
> can't really get scalar values, they'll always effectively be in a
> vector of length 1.
> So the return value of class here is actually short for 'vector of
> numeric' or 'vector of integer' - even when the length is 1 - and you
> can think of those as the basic numeric classes. There is no 'scalar
> numeric' class, all is vectors. is.vector(1) is TRUE. There isn't even
> an is.scalar function.
> None of that is true for 2-d arrays, aka matrices, where class(m) is
> always "matrix" whether its a matrix of characters or numbers. You
> have to look at the mode(m) or typeof(m) (or storage.mode(m)) to
> figure out what kind of thing a matrix 'm' contains.
> A 'list' is a bit more like some of the generic container classes that
> you find in other programming langages. Its elements can be anything
> but its class is always 'list'. Use it when you want a vector (in the
> general sense of 'vector') of non-scalar values, eg L =
> list(c(1,2,3),1,c(99,120),c("foo","bar","baz"))
> Confused? Well, just forget everything you learned about classes in
> your Comp Sci lessons and get ready to learn R's two incompatible
> OO-programming systems (S3 and S4 classes), or four if you want to
> look at even more OO systems people have implemented as add-on
> packages....
> Barry

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