On 12/02/2014 01:43 PM, Charles Novaes de Santana wrote:
Dear all,

I am running a c++ library (a .so file) from a R code. I am using the
function dyn.load("lib.so") to load the library. Do you know a way to
profile my C library from R? Or should I compile my C library as an
executable and profile it using the typical C-profilers?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi Charles

Section 3.4 of RShowDoc("R-exts") discusses some options; I've had luck with operf & friends. Remember to compile without optimizations and with debugging information -ggdb -O0.

(I think this is appropriate for the R-devel mailing list http://www.r-project.org/posting-guide.html#which_list)

Martin Morgan



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