Hi all,

Attached table (that contains summary for a genetic association study) was read 
using the command:

test <- read.table('testDat.txt',header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Results from the summary of the attached table is provided below:

> summary(test$V5)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  22070   22070   22070   22070   22070   22070

As we can see column 5 of this table contains only one value - 22072
I am confused as to why I am getting a value 22070 in the summary of this 

I tested this using versions of R including - R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) -- 
"World-Famous Astronaut"

Thank you for looking at this issue.
Kind Regards,


1       762320  C       T       22072   0.0169445       0.0169445       748     
1       0.00350047      21324   748     0       0.388437        53.9888 
0.000133264     0.994259
1       785989  T       C       22072   0.792837        0.792837        22182   
0.633789        0.0166803       647     4502    8840    -84.0255        137.518 
-0.00444316     0.54119
1       865545  G       A       22072   0.00021447      0.00021447      6       
0.633744        1       13982   6       0       11.2623 4.91838 0.465569        
1       865584  G       A       22072   9.06125e-05     9.06125e-05     4       
1       1       22068   4       0       0.82775 4.01634 0.0513144       0.836716
1       865628  G       A       22072   0.00236503      0.00236503      58      
0.555545        1       12204   58      0       -0.662004       15.2589 
-0.00284324     0.965395
1       865662  G       A       22072   0.00493838      0.00493838      218     
1       1       21854   218     0       -97.1862        29.5061 -0.11163        
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