
I have stumbled across some unexpected behavior (potential a bug) in, what I
suspect to be R's (2.6.2 on Ubuntu Linux) t.test function; then again the
problem may exist in my code. I have shutdown R and started it back up,
re-run the code and re-experienced the error. I have searched on Google for
the abnormal termination error message "(stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps *
max(abs(mx), abs(my))) stop("data are essentially constant")" but only found
one instance,,
but the discussion there did not seem particularly helpful.

I've included all of my code, amateurish though it may be. I have not
isolated the faulty part, and to me it all looks pretty simple, so I'm not
sure where I'm going wrong. For background, the goal of this code is to run
a simulation to explore the problem space of inflation of Type I error when
decisions to run or not to run more participants are made by preliminary
looks at the data (as in Wagenmakers, 2007). This code is meant to examine
the problem space given that there is no true difference between the groups
(as is the case when both a generated from random draws from the normal
distribution). I run an initial number of subjects in two groups (t1N) then,
if p is < .25 on the t-test I add t2N more subjects to each group. Then I
perform the t.test again. If the p was > .25 at time 1 I stop. Plainp is
simply storing the p-values from t2 (if it was performed) or from t1 (if t2
was not performed). In the code I provide t1 starts at 16 since this is
about when the problem becomes more frequent. Please note that it takes
quite a long while to fail, and depending on what the true cause is it may
not fail at all. On my system it is failing before t1N advances to 17.

Any suggestions as to how to avoid the error and instructions as to the
cause of it would be appreciated. Thank you for your input and patience.

logit <- function(p)


# compute and return logit of p;

# if p=.5 then logit==0 else sign(logit)==(p>.5)

return( log(p/(1-p)) )


 antilogit <- function(x)


# compute and return antilogit of x;

# this returns a proportion p for which logit(p)==x;

return( exp(x)/(1+exp(x)) )


 plainp <- c() #Clear the plainp value

t1Nsim <- (100/5) * 1000 * 10 # random chance should provide 10000 cases at

contthreshold <- .25 #p value below which we run more subjects

t1pvals <- rep(NA,t1Nsim) #clear the pvalues

t2pvals <- rep(NA,t1Nsim) #clear the pvalues

t1N <- 10 #for debugging

t2N <- 5 #for debugging

 for (t1N in 16:50) #Outer loop testing possible values for t1N

for (t2N in 1:50) #Inner loop testing possible values for t2N


print(paste("Checking with ",t1N," initial samples and ",t2N," extra
samples",sep="")) #feedback

for (lcv in 1:t1Nsim) #Run simulation t1Nsim times...


if (lcv %% 20000 == 0) {print(paste((lcv/t1Nsim)*100,"%",sep=""))} #feedback

Cgroup <- rnorm(t1N) #Initial random draw for Group1

Tgroup <- rnorm(t1N) #Initial random draw for Group 2

currentp <- t.test(Cgroup,Tgroup)[["p.value"]] #Get t1 p value

t1pvals[lcv] <- currentp #Store t1 p value

#If p >= .05 or <= continue threshold then run more subjects

if ((currentp <= contthreshold) & (currentp >= .05)) {

Cgroup <- c(Cgroup,rnorm(t2N)) #Add t2N subjects to group 1

Tgroup <- c(Tgroup,rnorm(t2N)) #Add t2N subjects to group 2

currentp <- t.test(Cgroup,Tgroup)[["p.value"]] #Get t2 p value

t2pvals[lcv] <- currentp #store t2 p value



plainp <- ifelse(!,{t2pvals},{t1pvals}) #Make sure we are
looking at the right ps

table(t1pvals <= .05); round(summary(t1pvals),4) #debugging

hist(t1pvals) #debugging

table(plainp <= .05); round(summary(plainp),4) #debugging

hist(plainp, probability=TRUE,main=paste(t1N,"then",t2N)) #Histogram of

abline(a=1.00,b=0) #Baseline probability

dev.copy(jpeg,filename=paste("Sim with ",t1N, "start samples and ",t2N,"
extra samples.jpg",sep=""),height=600,width=800,bg="white") # Create the
image #Save the image

chi <- rbind(table(t1pvals <= .05),table(plainp <= .05)) #debugging

chisq.test(chi) #debugging

explore <- data.frame(t1=t1pvals,t2=t2pvals,picked=plainp) #debugging

t.test(explore$picked,explore$t1) #debugging

t.test(logit(explore$picked),logit(explore$t1)) #debugging


Russell Pierce
Psychology Department
Graduate Student - Cognitive
(951) 827-2553
University of California, Riverside, 92521

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