Considering the deafening silence after three repeats, one explanation could be 
that you are asking the wrong group of people. It is also possible that your 
failure to follow the Posting Guide with regard to using plain text email and a 
reproducible example [1][2] means that readers who are not experts do not feel 
inclined to follow along with you and help you think of solutions. Keep in mind 
that supporting  contributed packages like tm is technically not on topic here, 
though people often do feel the urge to help solve problems with them anyway.

With regard to asking the wrong group of people I would suggest asking the 
maintainer of the tm package what they recommend. See the help for the 
maintainer function or read the CRAN Web page for that package. 


Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On May 19, 2017 7:12:45 AM PDT, Patrick Casimir <> wrote:
>Dear Members & Experts,
>Since the Dictionary () function is no longer available with the tm
>package. How do I use other functions to do the same as below? I want
>to capture a list of specific terms from a corpus. By example, if my
>corpus has 102 files. I want to see a list with occurrences of
>prostatic, adenocarcinoma, grade in all 102 files. When I use the
>function Dictionary (), I got the error: Error: could not find function
>> d <- Dictionary(c("prostatic", "adenocarcinoma", "grade"))
>> inspect(DocumentTermMatrix(docs, list(dictionary = d)))
>But if I use the codes below using inspect, the dictionary only returns
>the terms for 10 files instead of 102. I need a way to get my
>dictionary to capture and return those terms for all 102 files or
>whatever other terms I select. I know I am close but inspect () is not
>the right function.
>> myTerms <- c("prostatic", "adenocarcinoma", "grade")
>> inspect(DocumentTermMatrix(docs, list(dictionary = myTerms)))
> <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 102, terms: 3)>>
> Non-/sparse entries: 292/14
> Sparsity           : 5%
> Maximal term length: 14
> Weighting          : term frequency (tf)
> Sample             :
>                Terms
> Docs            adenocarcinoma grade prostatic
>   Patient14.txt             11     6         3
>   Patient15.txt              7    12         2
>   Patient16.txt             13    16         4
>   Patient19.txt              5    13         2
>   Patient24.txt             11    12         4
>   Patient25.txt              8     9         4
>   Patient41.txt              8    10         4
>   Patient46.txt              8    10         3
>   Patient8.txt               9    12         2
>   Patient9.txt               8    23         2
>Patrick Casimir, PhD
>Health Analytics, Data Science, Big Data Expert & Independent
>C: 954.614.1178
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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