I have been using sink to create text file outputs.

> summary(model1)
> summary(model2)
> sink()

Q1: Is there a way I could add a line of the text above the summary to act
like a title?

Also, I have been using the following to save plots from the lm function:

> pdf("small.bin.ENN_MN_withQ.pdf")
> par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
> plot(small.bin.ENN_MN)
> plot(small.bin.ENN_MN.q)
> dev.off()

Q2: Is there a way I could save the output from 'summary' into a c(2,2)
window like I do with the plots?

Thank you kindly,
M Just

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