On 19-May-09 19:52:20, deanj2k wrote:
> dlogl <-
> -(n/theta)-sum((y/(theta)^2)*((1-exp(y/theta))/(1+exp(y/theta)))
> d2logl <- (n/theta^2) -
> sum((-2y/theta^3)*(1-exp(y/theta))/(1+exp(y/theta)))
> - sum(((2*y/theta^4)*exp(y/theta))/((1+exp(y/theta))^2))
> returns the error message:
> Error: unexpected symbol in:
> "dlogl <-
> -(n/theta)-sum((y/(theta)^2)*((1-exp(y/theta))/(1+exp(y/theta)))
> d2logl"
> do you know what i have done wrong

The error message strongly suggests that the line beginning "d2logl <-"
is being seen as a continuation of the preceding line.

Counting parentheses, I find that you are 1 short of what is required
to complete the expression in the line beginning "-(n/theta)".

In that case, R will continue on to the next line seeking the completion,
and will encounter "d2logl" non-syntactically.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 19-May-09                                       Time: 22:12:40
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