On 5/22/2009 8:18 AM, sjnovick wrote:
To all.  I need your help.  The big question is:  How do I make an R library
with Fortran 95 files?  You may assume that I am a pretty decent programmer
in both R and Fortran.  I lay out a scenario and need your help!

I know how to make an ordinary R package and have dabbled with R + Fortran
95 *.dll linking.  I do not have a great handle on the whole Makevars file
and whatever else I might need to get things working to build a new R
package.  By the way, I'm using R 2.8.1 and Windows XP (and sometimes

Let's take this simple situation.  Suppose I'm using Windows XP and place
the Folder for the package "Testme" in C:\Program

I'd put your own files in their own directory, rather than in the R source tree. But this shouldn't have caused your error...

Files and folders:

  DESCRIPTION file -- I understand this file
  NAMESPACE file:  This one has the contents

  man directory:  I put my *.Rd files here.  I understand this part.
  R directory:   I put my *.R files here.  One of these files calls upon a
Fortran 95 subroutine with
                             .Fortran("MySubroutine", var1=as.double(x),
var2=as.double(y), etc.)
                     I understand this part.

  src directory:  I put my *.f95 files here.  Also, I put a Makevars file

What is in Makevars? You don't need this unless you're doing something special. In your case, you might be, see below.

Suppose that I have two *.f95 files, named CalculatorModule.f95 and ANiceSubroutine.f95. CalculatorModule.f95 contains a Fortran 95 module.
              ANiceSubroutine.f95 uses the functions in
Calculator.Module.f95 with the "USE" command.  To be consistent with my R
file (above), ANiceSubroutine.f95 contains the subroutine: "MySubroutine".

Finally:  I issue the command from a DOS Shell in the directory C:\Program

            make pkg-Testme

This results in errors.

Here are the problems:
  1.  The order of compilation must be f95 -c CalculatorModule.f95
ANiceSubroutine.f95.  Unfortunately, R compiles them alphabetically.  So, I
was given errors making the *.o files.

You could put the dependency

ANiceSubroutine.o:      ANiceSubroutine.f95 CalculatorModule.o

into your Makevars file, but see the instructions in Writing R Extensions if you add targets there.

I overcame this problem by renaming the files a01.CalculatorModule.f95 and a02.ANiceSubroutine.f95. I would rather not
have to name the files this way if I don't have to!  When I did this, R
compiled the Fortran files in the correct order, but I still have errors.

   2.  Here was the error output.  Help?????

C:\Program Files\R\R-2.8.1\src\gnuwin32>make pkg-Testme

---------- Making package Testme ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
  making DLL ...
"g95"  -O3 -c a01.CalculatorMod.f95 -o a01.CalculatorMod.o
"g95"  -O3 -c a02.ANiceSubroutine.f95 -o a02.ANiceSubroutine.o
windres --preprocessor="gcc -E -xc -DRC_INVOKED" -I
de  -i Testme_res.rc -o Testme_res.o
"g95" -shared -s  -o Testme.dll Testme.def a01.CalculatorMod.o
Testme_res.o  -LC:/PROGRA~1/R/R-28~1.1/bin    -lR
ld: Testme.def:6: syntax error
ld:Testme.def: file format not recognized; treating as linker script
ld:Testme.def:2: syntax error
make[3]: *** [Testme.dll] Error 1
make[2]: *** [srcDynlib] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-Testme] Error 2

Did you create the Testme.def file? What is in it?

Duncan Murdoch

Thanks for helping!!! :)

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