Various people have provided technical solutions to your problem.

May I suggest, though, that 'splice' isn't quite the right word for this
operation?  Splicing two pieces of rope / movie film / audio tape / wires /
etc. means connecting them at their ends, either at an extremity or in the
middle, e.g.

            X:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            Y:  yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
            Extremity splice: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyy  or
            Middle splice: xxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxx or

The splice itself is the point of connection (xy or yx) between two things.

In normal English, splicing never refers to interspersing alternate members
of X and Y.

This may seem like a minor point, but I think it is worthwhile using
descriptive names for functions.


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Titus von der Malsburg

> An operation that I often need is splicing two vectors:
>  > splice(1:3, 4:6)
>  [1] 1 4 2 5 3 6

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