I have an original data frame with 8 columns of variables, which are stored in 
'data1' frame.
data1 <- read.csv("E:\\PHD GLASGOW UNIVERSITY\\Data\\R\\Colin\\Cailness21.csv")
[1] "Date"       "d"          "m"          "y"          "Time"      
[6] "Depth"      "Temp"       "Group_Time"
Recently, i try two add a column into this data frame, but when i try to use 
the 'groupedData' function with this new data frame via command below, it 
reported the problem stated after the command below.
tmp <- groupedData(Temp ~ d | Depth, data2, order.groups = TRUE, labels = 
list(x = "Month", y = "Temperature"), units = list(y = "0C"))

Error in nfGroupedData(formula = Temp ~ d | Depth, data = data2, order.groups = 
TRUE,  : 
  second argument to groupedData must inherit from data.frame
Could someone help me to sort out on this problem, please?
Thank you

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