?panel.abline does not indicate that 'from/to' are arguments to
that function. If you read the help page carefully, you'll see
that 'from/to' apply to panel.curve(). Perhaps you thought that
the '...' argument can take 'from/to'; again the help page makes
it clear that those are to be *graphical* parameters.

One quick fix would be to use panel.curve with, e.g. expr set to
a + b*x:
panel.curve(2 + .5*x, ...)

Peter Ehlers

Afshartous, David wrote:

I'm trying to truncate some lines that are added to an xyplot via
panel.abline to allow additional space for inserted text.  According to
?panel.abline it seems like "from" and "to" will do the trick but it does
not work for the sample code below.  Any hints much appreciated.


x = seq(1,8)
y.1 = .6*x + 3.5 + rnorm(8, 0, .5); y.2 = .4*x + 1 + rnorm(8,0, .5)
data.ex = data.frame( x.var = c(x,x), y.var = c(y.1, y.2), id = c(rep("y1",
8), rep("y2", 8)))

xyplot( y.var ~ x.var, data = data.ex, groups = id, pch = 16, panel =
function(...) {
           panel.abline(a = 2, b = .5, lty = 1,  from = 1, to = 8)
           panel.abline(a = 3.5, b = .6, lty = 3, from = 1, to = 8)
           panel.abline(a = 1, b = .4, lty = 4, from = 1, to = 8)
       }, scales = list(y = list(limits = c(0,10)), x = list(limits =
c(0,12)) ))
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