Dear R Users,
I'm working on a problem where I have a multivariate response vector of
counts and a continuous predictor.
 I've thought about doing this the same way you would do a Multvariate
regression model with normally distributed data, but since these data are
counts, they are probably better modeled with a Poisson distribution.

For example
x<-rnorm(100, mean=25, sd=10)
dat<-data.frame(y1, y2, y3, x)

#Get the Multivariate linear model assuming normality
fit<-lm(cbind(y1,y2,y3)~x, data=dat)
fit.0<-update(fit, ~1)
#Calculate Pillai's trace for global model test
anova(fit, fit.0)

But, if I try this approach with glm() instead of lm(), I get the error
indicating that a multivariate response vector isn't allowed in glm

fit.pois<-glm(cbind(y1,y2,y3)~x, data=dat, family=poisson)
Error: (subscript) logical subscript too long

If anyone has experience with a multivariate Poisson response vector I would
gladly appreciate any suggestions.
Corey Sparks

Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
501 West Durango Blvd
Monterey Building 2.270C
San Antonio, TX 78207
corey.sparks 'at'

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