
I don't recall the details of your original post so the
following may be entirely off the mark; nevertheless, here

thetext <- paste('Data', 1:8)
# or: thetext <- paste('Data', c('one', 'two', 'three', <etc>))
xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, groups = rowpos,
       type = "a",
       auto.key =
          list(text= thetext,
             space = "right",
            points = FALSE,
             lines = TRUE))

 -Peter Ehlers

Jay wrote:
Anybody? Frustrating to be unable to solve this silly little

On Jan 3, 12:48 pm, Jay <josip.2...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, the backtickes got the code working. However, now I cant get
it to draw the legend/key.
For example, look at this 
My graph is similar, but instead of 1,2,...,8 as the names of the
series I want it to say "Data one" (a string with spaces) and so on.

On Jan 3, 10:58 am, baptiste auguie <baptiste.aug...@googlemail.com>

Using backticks might work to some extent,
`my variable` = 1:10
xyplot(`my variable` ~ y)
but if your data is in a data.frame the names should have been converted,
make.names('my variable')
[1] "my.variable"
2010/1/3 Jay <josip.2...@gmail.com>:
one more question about xyplot. If I have data which have space in the
column names, say "xyz 123". How do I create a working graph where
this text is displayed in the legend key?
Now when I try something like xyplot("xyz 123" ~ variable1, data =
mydata, .......) I get nothing.
Also, is it possible to genrate the graph with xyplot(mydata[,1] ~
variable1, data = mydata, .......) and then later in the code specify
the names that should be displayed in the legend?
Thank you!
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Peter Ehlers
University of Calgary

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