Hi Nathan,

I have a table (contact) with several fields and it's PK is an auto increment field. I'm bulk loading data to this table from files which if successful will be about 3.5million rows (approx 16000 rows per file). However, I have a linking table (an_contact) to resolve a m:m relationship between the an and contact tables. How can I retrieve the PK's for the data bulk loaded into contact so I can insert the relevant data into an_contact.

I currently load the data into contact using: dbWriteTable(con, "contact", dat, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)

But I then need to get all the PK's which this dbWriteTable() appended to the contact table so I can load the data into my an_contact link table. I don't want to issue a separate INSERT query for each row in dat and then use MySQLs LAST_INSERT_ID() function....not when I have 3.5million rows to insert!

Any pointers welcome,

It looks to me more like sql question. Why don't you use sql to write a query which will join all tables for you and then use RMySQL to retrieve relevant data?
Of course,  you could also dbGetQuery.

Can you please explain a bit how you entity-relationship diagram looks like?


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