Hi Dimitri

Your code is complex, so this won't be easy for anyone to deparse.

I think part of the issue is in the calculation you are doing in your innermost 

data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, name][case]=
1-((1-data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
name][case-1]*exp(1)^d)/(exp(1)^(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,

This looks to me to be a lag-1 calculation, and not all lagged calculations are 
vectorizable, so
this part may have to be done in a loop.  If so, working on a matrix instead of 
a dataframe
can help speed up code dramatically, especially with big dataframes (I've seen 
increases in speed by working with big matrices with no row or column names
instead of dataframes).

Pre-declare a matrix big enough to hold all your results outside of the loop, 
then do your calculations using the matrix inside the loop.  You can convert
the matrix to a dataframe after the loop completes if needed.


Steven McKinney

From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of 
Dimitri Liakhovitski [ld7...@gmail.com]
Sent: March 26, 2010 6:40 PM
To: Bert Gunter
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] Competing with SPSS and SAS: improving code that loops 
throughrows (data manipulation)

My sincere apologies if it looked large. Let me try again with less code.
It's hard to do less than that. In fact - there is nothing in this
code but 1 formula and many loops, which is the problem I am not sure
how to solve.
I also tried to be as clear as possible with the comments.

sd=.55),2)), b=abs(round(rnorm(20,mean=0, sd=.55),2)))
  data                   # "data" it is the data frame to work with
would contain up to 150-200 rows PER SUBGROUP

### Specifying useful parameters used in the slow code below:
vars<-names(data)[2:3]                    # names of variables used in
transformation; in real life - up to 50-60 variables
group.var<-names(data)[1]                # name of the grouping variable
subgroups<-levels(data[[group.var]])   # names of subgroups; in real
life - up to 30 subgroups

# Need to create new variables based on the old ones (a & b)
# For each new variable, the value in a given row is a function of (a)
2 constants (that have several levels each),
# (b) value of the original variable (e.g., a.ind.to.max"), and the
value in the previous row on the same new variable
# Plus - it has to be done by subgroup (variable "group")

# Defining 2 constants:
constant1<-c(1:3)                # constant 1 used in transformation -
has 3 levels, in real life - up to 7 levels
constant2<-seq(.15,.45,.15)  # constant 2 used in transformation - has
3 levels, in real life - up to 7 levels

### CODE THAT IS SLOW. Reason - too many loops with the inner-most
loop being very slow - as it is looping through rows:

for(var in vars){                               # looping through variables
  for(c1 in 1:length(constant1)){        # looping through values of constant1
       for(c2 in 1:length(constant2)){   # looping through values of constant2
          for(subgroup in subgroups){     # looping through subgroups
            data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, name][1] =
1-((1-0*exp(1)^d)/(exp(1)^(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,

             for(case in 2:nrow(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
])){ # looping through rows
               data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, name][case]=
1-((1-data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
name][case-1]*exp(1)^d)/(exp(1)^(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Bert Gunter <gunter.ber...@gene.com> wrote:
> Dmitri:
> If you follow the R posting guide you're more likely to get useful replies.
> In particular it asks for **small** reproducible examples -- your example is
> far more code then I care to spend time on anyway (others may be more
> willing or more able to do so of course). I suggest you try (if you haven't
> already):
> 1. Profiling the code using Rprof to isolate where the time is spent.And
> then...
> 2. Writing a **small** reproducible example to exercise that portion of the
> code and post it with your question to the list. If you need to...
> Typically, if you do these things you'll  figure out how to fix the
> situation on your own.
> Cheers,
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Statistics
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
> Behalf Of Dimitri Liakhovitski
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:06 PM
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] Competing with SPSS and SAS: improving code that loops
> throughrows (data manipulation)
> Dear R-ers,
> In my question there are no statistics involved - it's all about data
> manipulation in R.
> I am trying to write a code that should replace what's currently being
> done in SAS and SPSS. Or, at least, I am trying to show to my
> colleagues R is not much worse than SAS/SPSS for the task at hand.
> I've written a code that works but it's too slow. Probably because
> it's looping through a lot of things. But I am not seeing how to
> improve it. I've already written a different code but it's 5 times
> slower than this one. The code below takes me slightly above 5 sec for
> the tiny data set. I've tried using it with a real one - was not done
> after hours.
> Need help of the list! Maybe someone will have an idea on how to
> increase the efficiency of my code (just one block of it - in the
> "DATA TRANSFORMATION" Section below)?
> Below - I am creating the data set whose structure is similar to the
> data sets the code should be applied to. Also - I have desribed what's
> actually being done - in comments.
> Thanks a lot to anyone for any suggestion!
> Dimitri
> ###### CREATING THE TEST DATA SET ################################
> set.seed(123)
> data<-data.frame(group=c(rep("first",10),rep("second",10)),week=c(1:10,1:10)
> ,a=abs(round(rnorm(20)*10,0)),
> b=abs(round(rnorm(20)*100,0)))
> data
> dim(data)[1]  # !!! In real life I might have up to 150 (!) rows
> (weeks) within each subgroup
> ### Specifying parameters used in the code below:
> vars<-names(data)[3:4] # names of variables to be transformed
> nr.vars<-length(vars) # number of variables to be transformed;  !!!
> in real life I'll have to deal with up to 50-60 variables, not 2.
> group.var<-names(data)[1] # name of the grouping variable
> subgroups<-levels(data[[group.var]]) # names of subgroups;  !!! in
> real life I'll have up to 20-25 subgroups, not 2.
> # For EACH subgroup: indexing variables a and b to their maximum in
> that subgroup;
> # Further, I'll have to use these indexed variables to build the new ones:
> for(i in vars){
>        new.name<-paste(i,".ind.to.max",sep="")
>        data[[new.name]]<-NA
> }
> indexed.vars<-names(data)[grep("ind.to.max$", names(data))] #
> variables indexed to subgroup max
> for(subgroup in subgroups){
>        data[data[[group.var]] %in%
> subgroup,indexed.vars]<-lapply(data[data[[group.var]] %in%
> subgroup,vars],function(x){
>                y<-x/max(x)
>                return(y)
>        })
> }
> data
> ############# DATA TRANSFORMATION #########################################
> # Objective: Create new variables based on the old ones (a and b ind.to.max)
> # For each new variable, the value in a given row is a function of (a)
> 2 constants (that have several levels each),
> # (b) the corresponding value of the original variable (e.g.,
> a.ind.to.max"), and the value in the previous row on the same new
> variable
> # PLUS: - it has to be done by subgroup (variable "group")
> constant1<-c(1:3)            # constant 1 used for transformation -
> has 3 levels;  !!! in real life it will have up to 7 levels
> constant2<-seq(.15,.45,.15)  # constant 2 used for transformation -
> has 3 levels;  !!! in real life it will have up to 7 levels
> # CODE THAT IS TOO SLOW (it uses parameters specified in the previous
> code section):
> start1<-Sys.time()
> for(var in indexed.vars){     # looping through variables
>  for(c1 in 1:length(constant1)){     # looping through levels of constant1
>          for(c2 in 1:length(constant2)){    # looping through levels of
> constant2
>      d=log(0.5)/constant1[c1]
>      l=-log(1-constant2[c2])
> name<-paste(strsplit(var,".ind.to.max"),constant1[c1],constant2[c2]*100,"..t
> ransf",sep=".")
>      data[[name]]<-NA
>      for(subgroup in subgroups){     # looping through subgroups
>        data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, name][1] =
> 1-((1-0*exp(1)^d)/(exp(1)^(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
> var][1]*l*10)))  # this is just the very first row of each subgroup
>        for(case in 2:nrow(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, ])){
>  # looping through the remaining rows of the subgroup
>          data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup, name][case]=
> 1-((1-data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
> name][case-1]*exp(1)^d)/(exp(1)^(data[data[[group.var]] %in% subgroup,
> var][case]*l*10)))
>                        }
>                }
>        }
>  }
> }
> end1<-Sys.time()
> print(end1-start1) # Takes me ~0.53 secs
> names(data)
> data
> --
> Dimitri Liakhovitski
> Ninah.com
> dimitri.liakhovit...@ninah.com
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Dimitri Liakhovitski

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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