FWIW, there is a way to have one or more scrolled graphics devices
using the RGtk (www.omegahat.org/RGtk) and gtkDevice (from CRAN)
packages.  This currently works only on Unix/Linux.

The following code creates a window with a graphics device inside a
scrolled window inside a top-level Gtk window.


win = gtkWindow(show = FALSE)

sw = gtkScrolledWindow()

scrolledDevice <- gtkDrawingArea()
scrolledDevice$SetUsize(5000, 5000)  # pixels


win$SetUsize(800, 700)   # pixels

asGtkDevice(scrolledDevice)  # (from gtkDevice)

Now you are ready to plot.



guerreau wrote:
> Dear all,
> In many cases, I need a plotting region much bigger than the screen (e.g. for maps 
> or for graphs with many labels).
> A. MS-Windows
> if I try
> windows(width=25, height=25, rescale="fixed")
> it seems to be OK (a screen with scrollbars, exactly what I need)
> but if I try then
> plot(faithful$eruptions, faithful$waiting)
> I receive 
> Error in plot.new() : Outer margins too large (fig.region too small)
> B. Linux
> I try
> X11(width=25, height=25)
> (and the same)
> No  Error message, but no scrollbars !!
> Is there a solution ?
> with many thanks in advance
> Alain Guerreau   directeur de recherche au CNRS  Paris
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