At 01:17 AM 29/02/2004, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Philip Warner wrote:

> My understanding of SVD is that, for A an mxn matrix, m > n:
>      A = UWV*
> where W is square root diagonal eigenvalues of A*A extended with zero
> valued rows, and U and V are the left & right eigen vectors of A. But this
> does not seem to be strictly true and seems to require specific
> eigenvectors, and I am not at all sure how these are computed.

(A %*% t(A) is required, BTW.)  That is not the definition of the SVD.
It is true that U are eigenvectors of A %*% t(A) and V of t(A) %*% A, but
that does not make them left/right eigenvectors of A (unless that is your
private definition).

Sorry, that should have read 'left & right singular vectors', and I'm beginning to suspect that they are only the starting point for deriving the singular vectors (based on

  Since eigenvectors are not unique, it does mean that
you cannot reverse the process, as you seem to be trying to do.
> which seems a little off the mark.

It is not expected to work.

Maybe not by you... 8-}

There is no rule: the SVD is computed by a different algorithm.

So I assume my approach will not give me the singular vectors, and I need a different way of deriving them, is that right?

Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.

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