Hi Raheem,

Firstly - fair warning...I'm not an R expert at all! However it is my understanding that the expression "for i in 1:m" creates a full vector in memory of all the consecutive numbers 1 to m... (i presume these are 4-byte ints here otherwise it would have fallen over before 2^29), but taking the minimal assumption of ints these take 4 bytes... 1:2^29 requires (2^29)*4 bytes of memory - running on a 32-bit platform you have an absolute maximum of about 2^32 bytes of addressable memory (some memory will be taken by the os...).

if you start R and say "gc()" it'll tell you about memory allocated... then try k<-c(1:2^24); gc() and you might get a response something like...
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
Ncells 208431 5.6 407500 10.9
Vcells 73157 0.6 786432 6.0
> k <- c(1:2^24)
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
Ncells 208431 5.6 407500 10.9
Vcells 8428997 64.4 17108043 130.6

if you REALLY want to interate to 2^32 without allocating a huge memory vector like that try using your own counter and a while loop instead which won't allocate more memory than you have - but this will likely be SLOW... something along the lines of
i <- 0
while (i < 2^32) {
# now we do stuff
i <- i+1

i'm quite sure that there are more 'R-ish' ways of doing things...

btw. what are you trying to achieve?


Enayetur Raheem wrote:

I can't run a function which generates random numbrers using linear congruential generator. My multiplier is a=5+8^6, increment is b=1 and modulo is m=2^30.

the code I have written works for modulo upto m=2^28.

For m= 2^29 , it says, can not allocate memory for the vector or something like that.
For m= 2^31 or more, its says the argument "for i in 1:m " is too large in magnitude.

I tried to increase the memory size but it did not work.

Any help will be appreciated.


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