Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

No standard R package is supplied as a .rda, including not lme4.  You
must be looking at a binary installation, and you would do best to
reinstall from the sources.  You could use

R --vanilla
save(ls(all=T), file="..../all.rda", compress = TRUE)

but we would not recommend it.  Indeed, we do not recommend your altering
functions in other people's packages.  Why not just make a copy of GLMM
with another name and alter that?

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Dieter Menne wrote:

assume I want to make a minor local change in a package that is supplied as
.rda. For example, I want to get rid of the non-verbose-protected
"Iteration" message in GLMM/lme4.

Probably I have to load / change / save the package, but could someone help
me to get the syntax right?

I think, saving need to be done with

save(list=ls(all=T), file="..../all.rda", compress = TRUE)

otherwise R  complains about

       Object "ls(all = T)" not found

(the '...' argument comes first in the 'save' argument list)

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