Also, are you doing this with a version of R that will allow you to 
keep your scripts in separate files and run them one line at a time? 
Rgui allows this, and many people use different editors, e.g, XEmacs 
with ESS ("EMacs Speaks Statistics").  Some editors (like ESS) help with 
parentheses matching, which makes it easier to catch errors like this. 
When that fails, I define the necessary variables and work through the 
function line by line until I find the problem.

          spencer graves

Bret Collier wrote:

> David,
> If below is exactly what you typed, check your code again, I think you
> are missing a '}' after the last 2 parentheses.
> HTH,
> Bret
>>>>David Groos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/15/2005 3:40:01 PM >>>
> I'm trying to figure out R, a piece at a time, hours at a time...  I 
> was trying to copy the sample function in, "An Introduction to R"  (for
> version 2.1.0) by W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith, page 42.  Section 10.1 
> "Simple examples" provides a sample function which I tried to duplicate
> (I'm using Mac OS X 10.3.9, and "R for Mac OS X Aqua GUI v1.11).  The 
> following is what I typed and the last line is R's response when I hit
> the return key after the penultimate line.  I've re-checked and 
> re-typed the code many times to no avail.  I wasn't able to find this 
> issue using search options, either.  Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
>  > twosam<-function(y1, y2) {
> + n1<-length(y1);n2 <-length(y2)
> + yb1<-mean(y1); yb2<-mean(y2)
> + s1<-var(y1);s2<-var(y2)
> + s<-((n1-1)*s1 + (n2-1)*s2)/(n1+n2-2)
> + tst<-(yb1-yb2)/sqrt(s*(1/n1+1/n2))
> Error: syntax error
> David
>       [[alternative text/enriched version deleted]]
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