When you copied it into MS Word, did you "Copy -> "paste special" -> 
"unformatted text"?  This trick sometimes might expose (or eliminate) 
nonprinting characters or characters with special attributes that might 
have created the problem.

          spencer graves

David Groos wrote:

> Thank you-all very much for your help, your responses and help has been 
> very encouraging.  The following doesn't close the case but it tables 
> it...
> First I copied Ken's code into my R Console and...it worked great!  
> That was baffling as it looked identical to mine.
> I did not explicitly say earlier that the code I sent out I had copied 
> from the console, pasted into MS Word, changed font size, then pasted 
> it into the e-mail--in other words, that was a copy of one of the codes 
> that didn't work.
> Anyway,  I then copied the non-working, pasted it into Console, 
> expecting that it would say "Error: syntax error" upon pressing the 
> return key at the end of this line:
>>>+ tst<-(yb1-yb2)/sqrt(s*(1/n1+1/n2))
> but it didn't!  and the code worked this time, also!
> I then went about doing what I could to replicate the error from before 
> and was as unsuccessful in doing that as I was in making it work, 
> earlier.
> On Jul 15, 2005, at 4:43 PM, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>>"Bret Collier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>If below is exactly what you typed, check your code again, I think you
>>>are missing a '}' after the last 2 parentheses.
>>That's not supposed to cause a syntax error, just another '+'.
> (right! that's what I thought...)
>>I can copy and paste the code as written and not get an error:
>>>twosam<-function(y1, y2) {
>>+ n1<-length(y1);n2 <-length(y2)
>>+ yb1<-mean(y1); yb2<-mean(y2)
>>+ s1<-var(y1);s2<-var(y2)
>>+ s<-((n1-1)*s1 + (n2-1)*s2)/(n1+n2-2)
>>+ tst<-(yb1-yb2)/sqrt(s*(1/n1+1/n2))
>>+ }
>>Perhaps this was the 1st time David got his typing right? The error is
>>of the sort you'd get if you had
>> s<-((n1-1)*s1 + (n2-1)*s2/(n1+n2-2)
> Interestingly enough, I did try this line when first I was trying to 
> make the code work and with just 1 ")" at the end I didn't get the 
> error message, but then again I wasn't able to make the whole program 
> work, either.
> In conclusion, I can't explain why it didn't first work time nor why I 
> couldn't replicate the error.  I think I ought to e-mail the Mac R 
> folks about this.
> Again, Thanks,
> -David
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Spencer Graves, PhD
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