On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:52:28 +0100 SELIM YILDIRIM wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am currently looking for a program or programmng language easy to
> learn, easier to operate on.I heva heard about "R", However I
> understand that "R" is designed especially for statisticians. As an
> economist, working on applied econometrics, I am not sure if it can
> meet my needs.
> Will I be able to reach precise time series or panal data regression
> results with "R" ?


> Can "R" regress nonlinear models such as TAR, STAR
> and Markov Switcing models? Can I use it to do cointegration, unit
> root, VAR analysis on both panel and time series data? Can I run GMM
> regressions on "R" ?

some things yes, other things not out of the box

> Is it suitable for Monte Carlos? 


> In short, is R suitable for applied econometrics?

In principle yes, although not everything you might want to do is
already available in CRAN packages. For an overview of what is currently
available, look at the task view as Duncan already suggested.


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