POSIXlt stores its data in a 9 component structure so its
length is always 9.  See R News 4/1 help desk article for more info.
To get what you are looking for try using POSIXct, not POSIXlt:


On 3/6/06, Jason Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a vector of POSIX times/dates (called "times")  that I want to
> plot.  But I'm having trouble because R reports the length of the
> vector incorrectly.  Can someone help me figure out what's going on
> here?
> This code....
> print(times)
> print(class(times))
> print(length(times))
> Produces this...
> .
> .
> .
> [355] "2006-03-06 18:34:00" "2006-03-06 18:32:00" "2006-03-06 18:31:00"
> [358] "2006-03-06 18:30:00" "2006-03-06 18:29:00" "2006-03-06 18:27:00"
> [361] "2006-03-06 18:26:00" "2006-03-06 18:25:00" "2006-03-06 18:24:00"
> [364] "2006-03-06 18:23:00" "2006-03-06 18:21:00" "2006-03-06 18:20:00"
> [1] "POSIXt"  "POSIXlt"
> [1] 9
> Huh?  As you can see there are 365 entries in the "times" vector.
> Why does R think there are only 9?
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