On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 11:26 +0100, Albert Vilella wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to do a barplot of a dataframe like this one:
>        alfa   beta gamma delta
>  qwert   56.5  58.5 56.5  58.5
>  asdfg   73.0  73.0 43.0  73.0
>  zxcvb   63.0  63.0 43.0  63.0
>  yuiop   63.0  63.0 43.0  63.0
> with the labels of the rows and columns.
> I would like to have something that works for dataframes with varying
> dimensions, and so far I haven't found any way to do it.
> What would be the best way to do that?
> Thanks in advance,
> Albert.

barplot() requires the 'height' argument to be a vector or matrix, so
you need to coerce the data frame:



  barplot(as.matrix(DF), beside = TRUE)

depending upon the format you prefer.


Marc Schwartz

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