Alexandre Depire <depire <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> i would like to insert R code in LaTeX document.
> I see something about the 'listings' package, but i would like if it is the
> best way and if it is possible to use the command \include{programme.R}.
> I have the following solution but it doesn't work with \include and \input

Following latex code worked for me. Anupam


Somethings .....

\lstset{% general command to set parameter(s)
basicstyle=\small, % print whole in small
stringstyle=\ttfamily, % typewriter type for strings
numbers=left, % numbers on the left
numberstyle=\tiny, % Tiny numbers
stepnumber=2, % number every second line of code
numbersep=5pt, % 5pt seperation between numbering and code listing
language=R }



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