If you really want the summary() etc to print to STDOUT use cat() or 
print(). However other ways to post-process results may be preferrable, 
I think about Sweave, xtable, etc.



Jorge Lampurlanes Castel wrote:
> Hello,
> With this program I try to repeat analysis for different years. The
> results of the analysis are not printed when in the loop, except for the
> year sequence. What is wrong?
> Thanks a lot.
> for (i in 92:99){
>       cat("\n",
>       "=============================================================\n",
>       "YEAR =",i,"\n",
>       "=============================================================\n"
>       )
>       canos1 <- subset (canos, canos$YEAR==i)
>       LinearModel.1 <- lm(MM_P  ~ BLOC  + TIL, data=canos1)
>       summary(LinearModel.1)
>       Anova(LinearModel.1, type="II")
>       Anova(LinearModel.1, type="III")
> }

Michael T. Mader
Institute of Stem Cell Research
GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1
D-85764 Neuherberg

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
        Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.6, 1918

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