The new version of RSVGTipsDevice (0.7.1) that is now available on CRAN 
should fix this problem.  Please let me know if it doesn't, or if there 
are other problems.

-- Tony Plate

mister_bluesman wrote:
> Hi there.
> I am still trying to get the RSVGTipsDevice to work, yet I can not.
> I have copied the first example from RSVGTipsDevice documentation:
> library(RSVGTipsDevice)
> devSVGTips("C:\\svgplot1.svg", toolTipMode=1,
> title="SVG example plot 1: shapes and points, tooltips are title + 1 line")
> plot(c(0,10),c(0,10), type="n", xlab="x", ylab="y",
> main="Example SVG plot with title + 1 line tips (mode=1)")
> setSVGShapeToolTip(title="A rectangle", desc="that is yellow")
> rect(1,1,4,6, col='yellow')
> setSVGShapeToolTip(title="1st circle with title only")
> points(5.5,7.5,cex=20,pch=19,col='red')
> setSVGShapeToolTip(title="A triangle", desc="big and green")
> polygon(c(3,6,8), c(3,6,3), col='green')
> # no tooltips on these points
> points(2:8, 8:2, cex=3, pch=19, col='black')
> # tooltips on each these points
> invisible(sapply(1:7, function(x)
> {setSVGShapeToolTip(title=paste("point", x))
> points(x+1, 8-x, cex=3, pch=1, col='black')}))
> This results in the following output:
> svgplot1.svg 
> It opens but when I try and hover over the triangle, for example, I do not
> get a topptip box appear. I have tried opening the file though firefox, and
> XP IE - and on more than one computer yet it does not work. Do I need to
> install something else as well?
> Many thanks

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